
Honestly, I absolutely love this, so glad it isn't typical.

When I was studying in the UK I was once on a hike with my Japanese classmate through the countryside we saw an older man in a full tweed suit with the cap ride past on a really old (70s?) touring bicycle. My classmate squealed and tried taking pictures of him as he went past, it was like something out of a book (or

Ugh, this is the fucking dumbest thing i've heard (not you, the fact this is being used against you).

Tall thin trans models will be much more welcomed than 'average' (whatever that means) female bodies on the runway, any day.

Nope, can't have tall skinny people with slim hips on the runway.

I have one friend who is straight but fantasizes about blowing a 'chick with a dick'.

That's awesome, i worked on the show :) (that's the only reason i immediately thought of Babar)

It's a classic!

I think they are cheap - instead of having a good solid base for the flat, they substitute in elastic instead and flimsier materials

I've never bought a wrap dress though I understand they're great at figure flattering. Mostly because you can't get any idea how it'll look on you because they look awful on the hanger, just a bunch of material hanging there. For similar reasons i've never bought those ballet flats that curl up either, because they

Yeah no shit, Scotland would be super pissed. When i was there, at a pub (duh) someone asked me if I was American. I said, 'No, are you English?' and he looked horrified and apologized :P

The clear out of the Louvre was fascinating as well, everything hid all over France.

She's the queen of trying too hard and comes off not all that interesting, i don't find her as unique as the media portrays her. As a former art school student myself, shes just like those art school kids who try to gain credibility by purposely wearing or referencing people they aren't actually truly weird or genius

Can't stop laughing, had to shut my office door at work :D

When i lived in Glasgow i saw the cute little gay pride parade walk past and waved from my balcony. People seemed surprised and everyone waved back! People were super nice and down to earth to me in Glasgow and I will always consider it my home away from home. A pint of Tennant's (or an Irn Bru if you prefer) on me!

Yes, the good, completely unblemished name of Tour De France. Way to ruin cycling for everyone else, ladies!

Yes, and so of course she'll take his illness the only way she is able: about how it affects mostly only her.

I'm small chested 'A pirate's dream! A sunken chest!' and it was those puberty books that messed with me. They would show the stages of breast development over a girl's life to adulthood and i think mine are still stuck at number '3' on the 5 stages of development.

I agree, speaking as a kid/adult who wasn't into most 'girl' toys and isn't into a lot of things deemed stereotypical feminine currently.

This is why I don't go to galleries with most people. I always worry if i'm taking too much or not enough time and instead of relaxing, absorbing and enjoying what i'm seeing, i worry if i'm frustrating the person i'm with.