
Assuming interest rates will have more to do with bringing this to a halt and higher fuel prices.

I nearly died of lack of oxygen because I couldn’t stop laughing at the bloody awful rear end. This thing is so vulgar but I guess it will be successful with Rick Ross.

Brakes. They really are a simple system and once you know how you can do them at home with good parts for 1/3 of what you would pay someone. Plus you know how to clean them each spring (if you live in the snow belt) to give them that like new feeling and keep them going strong. I love that nice, high, responsive brake


I’ve seen Carfax reports that list dates of oil changes.

Sling TV

WTF, I like all of these choices. Who am I supposed to make fun of now?

That’s where you put your ‘NOx’, ‘Super Bass Stereo Mode’, and ‘Undercarriage Lighting’ switches. They were just looking out for the aftermarket community.

Mom was working at a company in the 80's with a System 360 with the platters etc. Tornado came thru and dropped the roof on the computer and put an I Beam thru it. They had daily off site backup and were back up in a week or so with a new IBM.

8" Floppy were the best

To be a true Corvette enthusiast, you need to figure out how many of those 3 speed cars were convertibles, in that color combination, with a removable hard top. Then, sit next to the car in a lawn chair wearing a woodie themed Hawaiian shirt and a pair of jorts and quote that smaller number endlessly to whoever passes

Yeah, I mostly run around with drag race/standing mile guys and they don’t give a crap what you drive or what is powering it as long as it’s quick.

I didn’t know they wore Heelys

Concours Nutters. Every one I’ve ever met has been Deadly Fucking Serious about EVERYTHING. Pedantic gearheads crossed with dog show people. 

Why do I need to move? I’m very happy in my little corner of NJ :)

It doesn’t change when they reach late teens, twenties, or even middle age.

you mean, Oh, my apple car needs more washer fluid, time to go to the dealer because they are the only one with a special tool to open the hood.

I guess we should stop being so hard on the BMW drivers who don’t opt for the optional turn signal package. They’re just trying to save the world by reducing their gas use. Good for them.

you know we’ll just end up with holographic dick pics right?