
Amen brother. Not cool at all. Besides, I have lived in Alabama all my life and I think short hair on a lady is pretty almost all of my girlfriends have had short hair and my wife does now.

Personally, I love driving with the windows down and the sunroof open, but as someone else mentioned, I live in Alabama and the humidity here is conducive to a major case of swampass. Not something that my underlings want to see from thier supervisor.

Try never to take long trips alone. Other than that, I have google play music and an eight year old ipod full of music to keep me company. Hard to sleep with Dave Draimen screaming at you to get down with the sickness at 90 decibels.

Meh. Not a big fan of the design to begin with and those inserts really do nothing to help it look better. They actually make it look like some brodude saw some cheapass rims at the corner flea market and decided to stick them on his Lambo

Nope, don’t care as long as it has been maintained. I currently drive an 02' Sequoia with 183K miles on it, that I bought used at 165k. It appears to have been taken care of, even though there were two owners before me. Local Toy dealer took a look at it and rated it as excellent on condition. The price was sweet, so

And they depreciate crazy. I know, because my wife has a second gen Infiniti FX35 that we bought with reasonable mileage, 4 years old and about 26Gs off the original price. It is actually kind of fun to drive and is quite comfortable on trips, as long as you don’t need a lot of luggage, but we travel light. 

My wife tried it right after we bought her an Infiniti FX35, because the 3.5L recommended Premium, but did not require it,unlike the 5.0L in the FX50,and she thought to save a few bucks. Killed the mileage and her power sucked. Mamio Andretti was not happy and never bought midgrade again.

Please excuse my fat finger spelling. Sheesh I need to employ a proof reader.

Not in the link you shared, but Cheif Deputy Randy Christian, who is the spokesman for Jefferson County Sherrif’s department had this to say. (He is knows for being a bit of comedian with his interviews).
“Thank God he couldn’t find second gear, the pursuit could have gotten all the way up to 35 mph,’’ Christian said.

The year is 1982, I am 16 years old and the car was a 1972 AMC Gremlin with a 258 straight 6. We lived in a small former mining community in Central Alabama. Pop was of the opinion that I needed a learner car, both to learn upkeep on and because I was a 16 y.o. driver that had barely passed my drivers license test