Monster of the Subway

it does really make you think...

Wait, you’re telling me an all-pro offensive line can make skill positions look a lot better than they are by opening up holes or giving plays more time to develop? I think I’ll need a few more decades to see if this is true.

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How can this be true AND Jerruh is the shadow commissioner? Like there’s someone behind him pulling the strings? That’s stupid

There were 3 shooters in the JFK shooting: Oswald, the grassy knoll, and a squirrel in a tree on Dealey Plaza.

i, likewise, demand answers for why the packers haven’t been as good since rodgers got hurt. i’m not saying obama’s behind all this, but i’m also not not saying obama’s behind this.

It would be awesome to think that Roger was getting his revenge by telling the officials not to call penalties on Dallas’s opponents. But the idea that Goodell could manage to pull off something that complicated beggars belief.

/Goes back to watching Loose Change on YouTube

Has Dak regressed or was he never really all that great to begin with but it balanced out due to a strong running threat?

Just as I was reading this, an email alert popped up on Windows 10, letting me know that a big sale just started on Steam.

You’re not alone there. Newer headlights are incredibly intense.

Just wanted to point out, that as a Florida native and resident, I am going to have to strongly disagree with this being “The Florida Panhandle” lol

Thank you! I hate them, and they’re not safe!

Maybe I’m just getting old, but damn if headlights on newer cars aren’t blinding as hell. Even without their brights on.

Fat/sugar free? Eat double.

The same thing happened with inventions that were supposed to make housework easier (vacuum cleaners, washing machines, etc.): people didn’t spend less time cleaning, but their houses were cleaner.

Seems like typical human behavior: This now cheaper per unit? I’ll get more units.

This is most analogous to the electric utility industry. During the 1990s, many states broke up the old monopoly model in an attempt to bring some competition to the electricity markets. Where utilities once owned everything from the power plant to the meter, the market was broken up into generators, power traders,

Restoring Internet Freedom

Whatever the ISPs are planning are definitely “burdensome and unnecessary”, if net neutrality is just let people use the Internet as they paid for it.