Monster of the Subway

I take it you’ve not seen this.

That is one of the most incredible things i have ever seen.

Wow, that skin treatment really did take years off her appearance!

By a certain standard, holding down a starting job for that long is, on its own, pretty damn successful. Ask any QB in the league if they’d settle for Eli’s career and I bet most would say yes.

Honestly, if the NYGs could suck the sentiment out of the decision — and only NE has managed to do this — they would have dumped Eli to a team like Houston or Denver before the season and certainly before the trade deadline. That he won 2 championships for them is no rational reason for him to continue as their qb.

It’s been a wildly successful 14 years in New York for Manning

Ben McAdoo is the friend everyone had in eighth grade who was only a friend because his dad had a fireworks stash in a old dead refrigerator in the garage. We just went over to Ben’s house to light off Black Cats, but all he wanted to do was tell us how awesome Def Leppard was.

“You can try movin on all you want. He’s gonna find yah. Back in 83', Olivia and I packed up Peyton and Coop, in the middle of the night, and hightailed it up to Minneapolis. 9 days later, we are awoken by a horrible shriek downstairs. I kid you not, we find Eli stuck, one arm and one leg through the doggie door,

Barry, can you reduce your argument to a character or plot development from the 1990 film, Goodfellas? This is the only way I can understand football.

Can we talk about the fact that Ben McAdoo looks like someone whose hard drive is going to be walked out of his home by the FBI at some point in his life?

And yet Eli found it inspirational.

You don’t buy a company that is profitable and then shut it down, unless it’s out of spite. Dude could’ve said, I’m selling! Instead of shutting down. Another buyer would’ve come along. Even if it was worth less than he bought it for, he would’ve come out ahead more financially than justshutting it down. Because he

The deposition transcripts are going to be a PR disaster for the league. I don’t think they’re going to implicate themselves in the collision case, but there is a 100% chance of multiple owners saying some racist ass shit.

“But all my discounts for A&W are in there!”

There’s a pretty big difference between a player refusing to give their phone to an entity that does not have any legal authority, and a court of law requiring owners to do so. The NFL can’t put Tom Brady in jail for contempt of court.

One of those better be: “Wow, I bet this would be a great country if we killed off the people already living here.”

Yeah, it’s just one. The column could not possibly be more obviously not directed at high school football players, so invoking them as the true audience of the piece is patronizing in the extreme.

Depends; does the byline count as a sentence?

When Europeans first settled this continent they had two big thoughts.