
Oh what the hell? I just had a random childhood flashback that I was not prepared for this morning. Wishbone and Descent II? Well, hello 10-year-old self!

Nope, I'm with you on that one. The article was great up until that paragraph and I lost it.

They're coming! They're going to make sure I'm going to have a good Friday! I don't want to have fun!

I really appreciate his early stuff, but my two favorites have to be Goin' out West and God's Away on Business. The Eastern European tone his stuff started taking later on has seriously trapped my brain from liking him any other way. On the other hand, Chocolate Jesus is spectacular, as well...

I think you're missing the point. Instead of trolling a post that has no relevance to you, Brian is asking you to not waste your time (or ours) by commenting on it. Cite whatever readership loss you like, but that argument is inherently irrelevant for this post.

What the fuck.... This gif is going to haunt me all day... It's like they're pseudo pop culture zombies! I don't like!

Too soon?

You could just get a cheap interim phone off of eBay for the meantime and swap the sim cards. Just an idea.

Ditto. The text messages were just delaying the inevitable vomit-fest of a conversation.

I bet people felt the same way when we started using contractions.

This comment is star worthy. Bravo, sir!

It looks like they were inferring a joke about task committees. But you're point is still made, and it's definitely a solid one. It really just takes an elementary understanding of the way these bodies, sub-bodies and their administration works (as well as social cues like the one you mentioned) to "get" the joke.

I meant build quality, not entertainment value. Yeah, it was by far one of the most dangerous and hilarious toys to play with when I was a kid (ok, I played with it way past the point where I could be considered a kid).

I'm really fond of the Samsung Tab 10.1, but there's something lacking in the hardware department that I can't put my finger on. Maybe it's too laggy, maybe I'm just waiting for a better version of Honeycomb, I'm not sure...

The Best Buy here in town actually had one over the weekend, which I got to play with. I wasn't entirely impressed with the hardware; yes, it's innovative, but is that "folded magazine" idea really necessary? I'd much more prefer a thin tablet to something like this, although I do understand that you have to allow

I could not have put it better. Low self-esteem is inevitably not boosted by being a straight-up jackass!

Ever since it became evolutionarily adaptive?

Very eerie. Did you take that?

Awesome, awesome comment!

Now that you mention it, one of my favorite toys when I was a kid was a shitty plastic DeLorean from a Happy Meal (or the equivalent) that shot sparks out the back when it was rolled on hard surface. Jesus, toys today have gotten wimpy. I could have started fires with that thing!