
Nuh-uh! You're phone's dumb 'cause it can do things mine can't!

Well at least the pictures contained in this article are nice. And some of the words are intelligible. Too bad the summary is gibberish... I wonder if this has been typed on the Note; at least that would add credence to the review.

Semantics, schmeschmantics...

If predictions are trolling, then Gizmodo is 4Chan...

Moot: Adj. Subject to debate, dispute, or uncertainty, and typically not admitting of a final decision.

Then there wouldn't be anything to bitch about...

This probably accounts for the reason they couldn't directly look at God in the Bible; because he's an illusion.

I understand your points, and some of them are good, but most are still anecdotal. The fact that a lot of disorders are entangled with other symptomatology is a problem that all clinicians face when diagnosing anything, psychological or physiological. However, your point about a definitive testing scenario is likely

Thank you. I came down to the comments section to make sure this had been pointed out.

Why are your pockets full of $100 bills!? Who's been paying you to say such nice things about this man!!??

Sadly, they're still more accurate the Faux News.

...And wasn't taken down by according to PIPA regulations...


And I'm absolutely sure that there would be no reason to update the software... ;-P

At some point, you have to accept the fact that your in it for yourself. Every breath you take is another someone else doesn't, etc, etc. And you need to come to terms with that. That's not the issue.

FightTheMan: The Commenter

It was a lightsaber-shaped fleshlight, wasn't it?

Yup, I was watching it and all I could think of was Entertainment 720.

I like this one too. It's likely your eggs will have a fear of colors, think everything feels like velvet, and suffer from extreme thirst...

This just means that Google's video service through the marketplace (renting and downloading movies directly from the market) would not even show up.