
"Society is a horrible thing, ruins lives, causes suicide..."

I hardly think that doing a viral ad campaign for an Argentinian electronics store 25 years later could be considered "selling out." Especially since this hasn't changed the movies in the least.

Seconded. His ability to continue his efforts for raising money, not only for research, but those already affected as well, has always been admirable to me. He's using the major negative portion of his life to help others, and I just can't get over that.

Counterculture comedians are what hold up the foundation of free speech. What Ricky did at the Golden Globes was essentially, censors ready at their stations, G-rated commentary. It was fucking hilarious, but one could sense the tension underneath his comments of the true implications of what he was saying. Given

It's a new thing Giz is testing within its commenting section:

I don't want to start flailing on a not-yet-dead horse, but when this gets into the hands of the xda developers, we'll see some really impressive stuff happening. It actually does have better hardware specs than the Nook Color, but not staggeringly better. It'll inevitably have CM thrown on it (or dare I even say

That was one of my main concerns when switching, but in the end it didn't really affect me. I could either download the same (or better) apps on Android or I simply realized that I didn't need the app. I seriously couldn't have made a better decision than switching.

A phone with a screen!? When did they start making those??!!

Just because they manufacture the screens does not mean they had the blueprints. Apple could have just as easily given them specifications based on what they needed and left it at that. There's no reason to assume that Samsung is secretly copying (an overused?) design.

Kind of like Two Girls, One Cup?

Fear is powerful, but negative reinforcement doesn't work as well as positive reinforcement...

Nose typing. Better to perfect it now in case I'm ever tied up and need to make a Facebook post...

"How in hell?"

Seriously... About a year ago I tried watching this at work and my boss came over and asked why I was crying. Almost ready to yell at me, I redirected my boss's attention to this video and had her crying from laughter within a minute. Saved by The Onion...

I was going to watch the clip, I really was. I love Bill Nye, I love science; what could go wrong? Then I saw the box with the button I would be required to click if I were to indeed watch the video: Well, there's an amazing headline with a misleading, assuming title, a Balloon-head for a host, and a fear-filled TV,

God... I wish we could use this in my practice...

Check out The Belief Instinct by Jesse Bering

I have a buddy from high school (he's now graduated college) that used to make fun of me when I got into Magic. I slowly lost interest but he eventually bought all my cards and picked up the habit. He still plays every weekend, has exhaustive telephone conversations with friends he's met through tournaments and

Abercrombie and Fitch paid Irene to stay in New Jersey for as little time as possible. It looks like she's taking the offer...

My friends and I watched most of the NCAA Men's Basketball games via ESPN's website last season. None of us even thought about watching it on cable at that point. We could hook up one computer via HDMI to my roommate's 50" TV, watch the games we wanted, and during halftime we could switch to another game without