
Fucking perfect... Thank you.

From the article:

Me too...

Invent - verb - "Create or design (something that has not existed before); be the originator of."

I had an 360 in my room, but we were continually jealous of the kids down the hall playing Mario Kart on SNES... Dreamcast would have just meant playing Crazy Taxi, and... Crazy Taxi 2 for a whole year...

Don't forget some antiquated version of a Nintendo system (likely Super NES or N64) for nostalgia's sake. And pallet-sized portions of Ramen noodles... Seriously, that should be the first fucking thing on this list...


No! No we may not! Someone has to do it in my absence!

Sadly, that has to be the best reason to wear them that I've heard yet...

Haha, brilliant strategy, then!

I actually tend to use my Vibrams when riding in case I get stuck in some shitty terrain/mess up my gears and have to walk back. I've only had to do it once, but I've never really had a problem wearing them while riding. Do you just prefer to wear the clipless ones, or do you just find them to work better?

This. The purpose of crocs (while terrible looking and unfortunately trendy) were for people who spent all day on their feet. They were essentially trying to be trendy orthopedic shoes. I see a ton of nurses and docs that use them since they're running around all day and are constantly on their feet.

Right? I'd be much more worried about the projectiles not being fired directly up. I heard on NPR earlier that at one point, they fired an RPG into the entrance of the palace; this was while people were running in and out trying to loot things, as well...

I was thinking the same thing. "Exponentially bigger" is completely different than "a tiny bit."

I think you meant "ditto." This is Dido...

Whoever thought we might gain something so revelatory from a movie about mutant sharks?

I bet this has more to do with our increased activities and responsibilities we gain and experience the older we get. The more you do, the faster time flies.

Haha, I had one in my cart, it crashed, and when they came back it had magically disappeared!

And it's crashed...

That's a beautiful car. I realize that it's easier to distinguish differences for those that are well versed in the area of design (technology in this case). Looking in from a more general stance, though, consumers are idiots.