
Apple's internet store reloaded this morning sporting shattered heads of lettuce and sporting a new front page covered in thrown tomatoes. Administrators claim they didn't see any of it coming, but were able to get out of the way "just in time."

Thank you, I was just explaining this to my girlfriend today...

No, that's a good point. That being said, they still make the rules. They also, at least at this point, get to control who's on there and who's not. Is it childish? Maybe. Is it outside of their realm of control? Not at all...

Exactly. There are better ways to communicate your problems then getting on to a relatively unknown social network and screaming, "Wahhhh!"

That does put a different flavor on the whole thing. The fact that someone took it to a different (can't say wrong or right, both being subjective terms) level still should have been expected.

I would argue that this isn't stealing at all. That's like saying that someone puts a pile of money in a room, says "Do with it as you will," and one person takesa whole bunch of it and gives it away. Your statement doesn't really make sense if you look at it in that context.

While I think the original idea was interesting, this seriously had to be expected. Considering the many theories that point to altruistic behavior not existing and those that say it comes at a cost [] it's not surprising at all that evolution has created us this way. If you want to try to say that

My thoughts exactly. There are many better places for people to accomplish all of the things listed in that paragraph. Google+ is a beta... BETA Effectively, that means they can do whatever the hell they want until it goes public. If we're still having those issues at that point, then we can get all hyperbolic and

I hate reading articles written by people who clearly have no experience with anything military. I had to stop reading the second time I read, "outfit." Uniform... please for the love of god, these guys aren't in the theatre and they're not walking down a catwalk...

I appreciate that you have a belief. But I'll repeat what someone once told me about religion in regards to it being analogous in fashion to a penis:

I don't see what the big deal is all about really. It seems on par with The Day After Thanksgiving sales across the pond in the states...

Or you could just do us all a favor and not read it (especially when the location is in the headline). You could follow that up with not wasting your own time, as well as ours, by responding to it. Thanks!

I actually use an Arc at home. I honestly hadn't given a thought to an ergonomic board. I'll have to check some of those out!

I'm really enjoying this guide and plan on starting this weekend on a new build, so I have a feeling I'll be visiting these pages quite a bit in the next couple of days.

The thing that kills me is that they develop stuff for iOS and can't read license agreements better than this? I'm sorry, but Apple's is bound to be much more convoluted (read: Draconian) than Amazon's.

That sounds about right. That would partially explain why the clause citing the percentage in the solicitation email is emphasized, as well. Sounds like some misguided and misinterpreted information is getting blown out of proportion...

Thanks for saying what we all wanted to! I almost lost it when I read the line you quoted because it bugged me just as much. The article had some good objective points to it until Rose shoved his opinion in there like a giddy squirrel. Nerds like it, yes - because you can do more with it! Saying that the OS is ugly

I'm pretty conflicted on this article. I agree with you in that they agreed to certain terms, however (and I haven't looked at the license agreement for clarification), it seems that Amazon initially indicates that they would be paid for this type of promotion. Only when the devs received the email did Amazon

We could even enlist the help of anonymous!

Wiping off my screen as we speak. Good one...