
Agreed. What's it called when a hipster is trying to out-hipster hipsters?

In all honesty, I had no idea what it meant either. I just get annoyed when people can type the question here and not in the search bar...

"I don't have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. It's a depression. Everybody's out of work or scared of losing their job. The dollar buys a nickel's worth, banks are going bust, shopkeepers keep a gun under the counter. Punks are running wild in the street and there's nobody anywhere who

Here. I did this for you and left it here. I spent some time on it, what with the difficulties of google and all. I hope you enjoy my efforts!

Not to mention that if one looks hard enough, one can make anything seem like it fits. "Well, this portion has 9 letters and x suspect had 9 fingers, so it must be X!"

He sent this "manifesto" to people on his "FB" list? Yeah, I would have to agree with you...

Yeah, either way I've never had the best of luck with the native restore. TI Backup has always been able to do what I needed.

That's one of my major pet peeves with the way Android deals with user data. There seriously needs to be a native AOSP option to save data externally (without rooting and A2SD). With every app, even if the .apk is saved on the SD card, the data is stuck on the phone. It's a huge pain in the ass when apps like

Given that iPhone upgrades come via iTunes sync anyway, it's probably not that big of a hassle. When I had my 3G, it wasn't usually an issue, but you're right, the wait is a killer. I wonder how bad it'll be when they start doing them OTA...

The only thing I can think of is if the app is no longer offered in the market (unlikely), or if permissions have changed enough that they couldn't give you the same version (more likely). I know that Google tries to make sure that it's the same version, but in some scenarios this probably just isn't possible.


I doubt it was designed by Calder himself, but there's a huge, Calder-inspired sculpture outside of our City Hall. I remember when I first came here for college and was completely mesmerized when driving down Mass St. and seeing it in the distance.

Likewise, I work in a setting where the average clinician's age is ~65. One of them in particular calls me a genius every time I manage to fix a program just by closing out of it and restarting it... Even our co-owner who's "technically savvy" finds it more difficult to google something rather than email me asking to

Ok, good. I thought I was going insane there for a minute. All of them are brilliant scores, nonetheless!

I was under the impression that John Williams did (at least the first one) scores for the Harry Potter movies. It's been awhile, so I could be wrong...

Thank god you figured it out... Let's just hope some dumb kids don't try to put it in a toaster and play rock and roll!

It popped up on my mobile browser late last night, but disappeared. Only to rea-pee-r this morning...

Promoted. There's a huge variability between how people press the shutter button that the author of the definition isn't taking into account (I'm totally guilty of most of the original qualifications, however).

Organic foods are generally reserved for those with the ability to be OK with spewing pretentiousness. There's also a difference between "organic" foods and "100% organic" foods - If it doesn't say 100%, there's a chance that it could have been touched by some of the same chemicals as regular food.

There's a beautiful Sandsung retail store just down the street from me!