
It shouldn't be an issue. If you snoop around XDA for awhile, you'll find some instances of Ubuntu being pushed onto Android tablets, too.

Really, the mere fact that your instructions include a victory dance means that you can't help but win every time! (Even if you lose!)

I can kind of understand the timing of messing with it: Google+ introduction, Skype integration, etc. However, the rest of Jesus' concerns are very valid. It's ok to integrate certain things, but that doesn't mean that the entire format necessarily needs an overhaul...

Big L reference deserves automatic hearting...

The male users hadn't found it yet, either. They just read about it on the internet and fumbled around until they managed to get there...

Edit: I see what you did there...

I understand your analogy, but I don't think it's a good one. For instance, a clock is not the product of millions of years of biological reproduction; it's simply a mechanical piece formed together by man. It's logical to "know" that a clock was made by someone, as it did not just appear out of thin air. However,

I think people are just confused why a company would be releasing a Windows tablet right now, when it's clear that Windows 8 is going to be, for all intents and purposes, tablet-ready... I mean, they'll probably get the few people like you who aren't really concerned with that, but they could just spend less money

I think it's really just the three that throws everyone off...

If they hadn't just changed the emergency number to 20 digits, he could have remembered it!

This graph just shows that Earth has an extremely irregular heart beat. Nothing else. And can you take your "logic" and "reasoning" elsewhere? Thanks...

I tend to use the self check outs when I can and have even figured out a couple of tricks (you can swipe your credit/debit card whenever and not have to worry about all the stupid stuff at the end besides just pressing what type of payment) to keep things going smoothly. I have experienced some that are nigh unusable

Imagine if there were a terrorist in her microphone!

I remember watching the Hilux episode six years ago in my dorm room. I've been hooked ever since and have used that episode numerous times to recruit others into the Top Gear Nation. Every time they pan around it on the set, I get all goose-pimply and nostalgic...

It's easier to build a broader reader base with less technical information and more spelling and grammar errors...

Well then color me purple. He donated money to a school system that he had no affiliation with. That, and judging by how he's acted thus far, he will undoubtedly spend all or most of his money two weeks before his death just to spite Gates' charity. I love Zuckie... :-P

Even better that a kid who really doesn't give two shits about money is the one swimming in it. A couple more billion dollars and we better start seeing him take some lessons from Gates and start throwing it at charities...

Great analogy. I would go further and say once we have accomplished this, we should probably go galactic with our backups. Who's to say that the Milky Way wouldn't suffer some massive catastrophe, even before Earth would? (Without any in-depth knowledge of our galaxy's future, I'm really just talking about black

Two things: The article blatantly says this happened in England (and I believe Kat's located there, if I'm not mistaken); and suicide is an inherently selfish act (not derogatory, just part of the definition). Someone who's to that point is not going to care about anyone else's day, or more likely not thinking at

Definitely imagined the wavy lines before and after the words as your wavy arms.