
The video is awesome, but the music doesn't seem to match the mood of the setting very well. I'm thinking it deserves a little Rob Dougan or John Murphy, perhaps? Even something from Craig Armstrong would have sufficed, but house trance? Wtf...?

"the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning" -

Looking at the replies to this comment, it almost seems you've transported all the YouTube commenters over here to help us out... :-/

Cousins only to the Figurative Combat Ships...

Seriously... This was all in the prophecy...

Here, I fixed it for you...

Thank you for telling us all what you have and what you don't want. I think we can all sleep now...

Chlorine just makes the babies we eat taste better...

I don't think it matters if "they" explicitly agreed or not. Since anon doesn't really have a spokesperson (inherent to their motif), no one can really say with any amount of certainty whether this group is with them or not. Lulzsec is definitely taking advantage of that idea by just going ahead and throwing their


Also, someone that "isn't religious" should know better than to consider "hell" a real place. The more logical assumption would be that "hell" is anywhere Palin resides.

Two cans on a string. They don't want to be tied down by contracts.

You Brits are adorable with your mobile freedoms. Here in America, carriers are very content in keeping their users caged like rabid muskrats... We have very convoluted ways of unlocking iPhones, usually with the potential of bricking the phone and almost always voiding the warranty. Also, it seems that since most

I was going to listen to you, but then a dinosaur-riding Moses just walked up to me and told me not to. Therefore, you're most likely incorrect...

Probably a little of both, bad morning yesterday :-/

Maybe they should get some Clearasil to deal with their "poring" issues...

Maybe not for you, but for people who are medically incapable of reproducing, it seems like a logical, and practical idea.

In a time when evolutionary theory is accepted by a large portion of those in the scientific community, how is this seen as a defect and not as "She wasn't meant to reproduce..."??

Numbers going down from top to bottom in the center.