
Morning laugh achieved!

How could it hurt anything?

Great article, Sam. You bring up lots of good points and look at both sides of the argument. This article totally reminded me why I visit the site.

I've always seen it as a defense against the exact proselytizing you mentioned... It would be one thing if Christians said, "OK" when one relates that they're an atheist. However, Christians tend to follow that up with "Why?!" or "But you just don't know the power of Christ!" etc. So just as everyone else, atheists

Ditto. I was originally very upset about this idea until I realized that it's mostly the kids that don't have anything intelligent to contribute that will be using this. So instead of throwing in a tangential irrelevancy, they can not speak and keep the class on target.

Those types of batons are illegal almost anywhere (public). The ability to collapse makes them, technically, a concealable weapon, and are usually treated as such. The right to bear arms usually only applies to locations where appropriate: training grounds, gun ranges, your own property, etc. But public property is

And how!

One of the best-written television shows evar!

Thanks, guys. Seriously. I just felt a monkey get off my back and a deep sigh of relief at the same time. I can read a decent-sized preview of the article and see the author, which means I can actively choose which articles to read and which ones to pass on.

This should amount to much more than an expulsion. It should ultimately amount to this diptshit never getting accepted to another film school in the country. Unless, of course, it's one of the "community" variety, in which case he'll never get a real job outside of local commercial advertising anyway.

I can see where the similarities might come in, but there's only so much variation a company can pull out without rehashing old designs. Hell, that goes for anything: fashion, cars, music. Unfortunately, HP decided to make this laptop look like a poorly designed Apple product... :/

That's just like, you're opinion, man...

Not only do they do a lot for our community, but their coverage around here is freaking impeccable. When I'm up for contract renewal in a year, I have a feeling I'll get my first taste of bitching out AT&T, telling it to do my dishes and then ditching it for good.

That guy is such a rockstar...

Fun fact: Nicholas Cage (the supposed actor) named his son Kal-El.

Could be rounds with no caps. That's most likely my guess. But if you're right, I totally agree...

From what I've seen on other gadget websites that are still actually providing gadget news, it looks like there's a microSD slot on the top of either device. As for the microphone, I'm not sure, and I would have to assume that Samsung would be making a huge mistake by not including the external speaker.

As of right now, the final article from Politico that you point out does not have a blow-by-blow of the 40-minute operation, but is more a coverage of the entire 3 years it took to complete this operation.

*Airplane flies over head*

Thank you for attempting to bring reason into this argument.