
Having driven through Iowa recently, I don't doubt a word of what you say....

I can see what you're saying. I guess I'm just one to appreciate taking time in doing something right, not necessarily worrying about how long it's going to take. I appreciate people who take a very long time to finish a project, write a book, create a vaccine or film a movie if it deserves a good grade, inspires

Bravo, good sir. Thanks for that!

Great argument! I definitely see what you're saying, and no, I'm not a proponent for slavery, child labor, or any other human-rights violations. (The fact that all of those things are societally defined is an argument for another time). However, any of these advancements are shying away from how we were developed in

Great reply, and you make some excellent points. I realize that polls like these are usually fairly inaccurate (what, due to kids trying to screw with survey results, lack of specificity of questions, etc.), but these are topics that should, at least at this point in human advancement, be foundational knowledge to

Unfortunately, it's because every American generation is worse than the last. Literacy rates are much lower than many other top-tiered countries and general knowledge is collapsing at an alarming rate. There was a study done not too long ago at universities around the country and 33% of those surveyed disagreed that

If you liked those, you'll fall in love with "Saxondale" and "That Mitchell and Webb Look."

Just like any other environmental irritant, some people are more affected by it than others. Allergies or the like could have also been involved.

Oops! That looks like two end users who need to re-subscribe to Norton Sarcasm 2011.

Swing on over to Gilbert Gotfried's twitter. He just berates his followers if they correct him. And then continues to make fun of them for days. It becomes a fascinating exercise in futility that ends up in hilariousness... Although, he really should have known that Wizard of Oz was in Kansas, not Iowa...

I agree. When a company falls behind the technology of a Palm Pilot from the nineties, it's probably time to start looking around for anyone on the street willing to hand off some change...

I could see another parallel, as well:

But then you sign the EULA to be able to use youtube, which clearly states, "Copyright material Bad!"

Wow... As I should have expected, I had an awesome comment about how this isn't gadget related and pointing out the grammar atrocities in this post. Of course, the comment system ate it...

Likewise, it probably has a lot to do with the follow-through. He doesn't stop moving when he lets go of the ball, just as a martial artist's punch doesn't stop once it hits an object. You don't watch a trebuchet stop mid-air as soon as it releases its payload. All of these things are along the same lines, and you

But somehow inversely proportional to proper use of grammar...

This guy is going to have a major problem finding anything to do with electronics that is not at least touched by Sony in some way. A huge number of manufacturers and other companies still use components, in fact, made by Sony. Whether you agree with what he did or not, you have to admit, this guy does not think

Can't tell if trolling?