
I would agree. Both times I've messed around with the the iPad 2, I felt like I was going to accidentally snap it in half. I want a tablet, not a communion wafer...

The reason this "fad" will never die is because Apple will continue to sell iPads. Only until they say it's over, is it over, and I just have a feel that they love money too much.

Nah, I get it. Turns out I was the jackass, anyway. My girlfriend's apartment complex had failed to log the package's arrival and had let it sit there for over a week without alerting her. Go figure. I don't know why I had less faith in a worldwide logistical shipping company than a small-town, incompetence-ridden

For those that have legitimate office work sites, it's pretty easy to have stuff shipped there instead of your residence.

I thought it was genuinely hysterical. Good Job!

Slap CM7 on it. You'll have a full, cheap-ass tablet. You won't look back.

I think a couple of factors are at play here: Apple deemed e-ink unnecessary and proved that a company can make a user-friendly tablet experience coupled with e-books. The only way that e-ink will survive in the end is if the devices that utilize it drop catastrophically in price. The lack of flexibility of their

The fact that you even know what "Angry Birds" refers to illustrates his point. Innovation is innovation, no matter which direction it comes from.

I almost had the same reaction; this seemed like a non-issue. But on second thought, it's probably something that is very necessary. With cars I've owned in the past, it seemed like the plastic over the gauges was always reflecting sunlight. People like this keep that from happening, and increasing safety in a

I was wondering if that was to be a factor. I can't imagine being handed this survey and thinking, "Oh Lord, I must answer all of these questions without wit or sarcasm!" It'd be more like, "Fucking seriously?"

Oh holy hell... Where's the t-shirt of this?!

Well give them to Buzz Aldrin! He'll need them if he wants to keep his hands warm on the "moon." We're pumping shitloads of cold AC onto the set! And tie it to Chernobyl!!!

What the hell are you still doing here!? Run all the stories and make sure to give Elvis a lead ice cream cone! We don't want him getting sick!

@c141clay: They are currently building a replacement containment vessel: The Krimjankijjjjre Vault

@Johann Schmidt: Holy shit! The radiation brought down the helo? Run a full story exposing the conspiracy behind Chernobyl! Now! And somehow tie it to the recent tragedies, but only in the most tangential manner!

@jordanduchnycz: Or is this just the moment that the Japanese have chosen to reveal their final plot to overthrow the world?

@mac_daddy: Or make them that much more cautious about what they tell the public...

My thoughts exactly.

This type of behavior on the part of Aflac offends me. He's a comedian, and a raunchy one at that. Even compounding this hilarious attempt at "punishing" him, is that the jokes themselves were punishment enough. They were more terrible from a humor standpoint than an offensive one. People need humor in times like

Working at a suicide hotline, I can definitely attest to the necessity of this. At one point, one would have to navigate through several different pages before finding the option to report these types of statements... Kids reach out in a number of ways, and I'm just glad that facebook has finally recognized this...