
If you're interested in the app, even in the least, I would suggest registrering over at Xda. There's been multiple times that the developers will place an app on a thread over there for free, when in the market it costs $1 or $2.

The cloud?

That sounds likely. Both Jobs and the dissenters sound pretty lazy if that's actually the case. Or bullheaded, depending on your preferred definition...

I remember several years ago, some insanely rich guy moved a castle several miles away. It can be done, but you're probably right, it's much too expensive...

@clickmyface: It's not like there's a no-fly-zone above his house. That's like saying if I was on a commercial airliner and happened to fly over his house, I wouldn't be allowed to take a picture...

@turbocomppro: I totally agree with you, except one point: screw curtains, go all out and get nano-glass that you can press a button and actually watch as the glass tints itself... Now that would be futuristic!

I guess I'm not familiar with the politics behind mansion destruction, but wouldn't it possibly have been cheaper to move the house, piece by piece somewhere else than pay lawyer fees to fight to get it demolished?

@njefferson: I'm assuming that CRF is most likely associated with cortisol, the actual biological purpose of which was apparently lost on the author. As hunter/gatherers, these stress chemicals helped us out by suppressing our GI movements, increasing adrenaline, heart rate, etc. when we were in any type of acute

@Bizdady: You make a good point. I talked two friends into getting new Android phones (Aria on AT&T, and EVO on Sprint) because of the ability to root and get awesome custom roms, morph hacks, etc. But once they got 'em, they could have given a care less which rom they were running as long as their phone worked.

Let's just be glad it's not "Filcher" and move on...

@OrbitalGun: And this stuff? Nah, that's just brownish, syrupy, carbonated water... Nothing to worry about here...

@headc4se: "A photograph of that recipe, from that very recipe book, was taken in the Feb. 18, 1979, edition of the Atlanta-Journal Constitution and only recently came to light when Ira Glass from This American Life stumbled upon it"

@Arbron: Please, patron, do not attempt to bring logic to a sensationalistic post...

Or a jar of marshmallow fluff...

I was going to make a comment berating you about your ignorance of Falcor, but then I just became entangled in an epic battle with the new layout to make said comment...

No, you're right. I didn't know her and I shouldn't have jumped to that sort of conclusion. However, it says a lot about someone when the only way they believe they can be accepted in our society is by going through a precarious (and sometimes, fatal) operation to do so. Self-esteem issues or not, the point of this

Um... It won't be the same phone as the Verizon iPhone 4? And by the time they're ready to manufacture it, prices on materials will most likely go down. Think about it before you flip out...

We need to start forcing scientists to watch blockbuster sci-fi movies from the 80's and 90's as a requirement for graduate degrees...

I'm in agreement about the quality of person who gets these procedures in this way (whores).

I loved playing with house rules. It was awesome at my house, but then I basically had to relearn the game when going to a friend's. The point was, however, that we still had to *gasp* add, subtract, figure interest. The educational factor is all but null and void with this version. I've lost all respect for our