
Unless, of course, you're college education includes the eventual ability to fly a harrier jet...

Now playing

Be careful, this is what happens if you get caught taking a skive! One could argue that similar justifications were made for segregation of African Americans. Bigots have used quotations in the Bible to justify slavery and the lesser quality of certain races. However, during the civil rights era and during desegregation, people simply had to put away their

@Tonttunator: Watch the Syfy network for twenty minutes... You'll figure it out...

@alucard1116: Multiple people have similar original ideas all the time, but only a select few are capable of making anything out of them.

@AquaScorpio: Given the fact that the Xoom is built to run HC right out of the box, it's probably not too much to pay for the functionality. Sure, the NC is only $250, but it will still be a long while until HC is running smooth on it.

@AquaScorpio: So far, it's been interesting. The OS itself is jawdropping. On the NC, it understandably has some issues with sluggishness, app bugs, etc. But as a proof of concept, it's simply incredible what that mini-tablet can do. And 3.0 will simply be amazing on the right devices.

@ddhboy: I may hate to admit it, but I think Apple has it right on with the concept behind the iPad and with which Android seems to be following suit. These devices are meant to be mobile powerhouses, sure, they're meant to replace laptops and netbooks. However, they are meant as intermediaries between the home and

@myxylplyx: Sorry, that's the massive amounts of cold medicine talking...

@Pablo Garcia: If that's the case, then I totally misunderstood your op. I totally agree with that, btw. Nothing gets innovated by following.

@CommodoreRake: Even if it was, whomever was having that revelation has probably already had it before.

@Pablo Garcia: Isn't your line of logic based on the foundational belief that iPad 2 will be exponentially better than 1? There have been no confirmed features for iPad 2, and any of the potential ones we've heard rumors about (modified speaker, sd card reader, cameras) are both included on the Xoom. Most likely,

@Bizdady: They have used Macs in the last several of their presentations. Nothing new, but definitely pretty funny.

@countjackula: Ah, the miraculousness of trolling. My friends and I would always troll the racist Yahoo chat rooms... It's amazing how glorious a racist Alabaman can defend his beliefs...

@gary_7vn: Thanks for clarifying that for me :)

@_Stormin: I think people need to look at this more closely. Human communication with other humans, in this case via a mechanism such as the internet, is inherent to the human condition. I don't mean to hyperbolize, but who's to say that the Egyptian government doesn't target phones next? Or newspapers? Or any

@KyleW: There is a company that, in fact, makes a camera that is mountable to your dash for this very purpose. Obviously, in some places you could potentially get in trouble if you were recording an officer as he pulled you over, but in other places it's perfectly legal to do this if you alert the officer that you

Don't most city, state, and county departments mandate a recording of any interrogation to validate any kind of submission of information by a suspect? Does this mean that they're eavesdropping as well and subject to the same potential sentence?

@SuddenImpact: Pretty soon we'll be able to nix the cell towers or microcells themselves. Every phone will just be able to network, or mesh if you will, with any other phone ever! It's like carrier-free phone calling or something. I remember reading something about it awhile back.