
@beanperry: Or Shadows of the Empire! God, I know it's unfeasible, but given the tech used in Tron, I could see him loading up the movie with a bunch of digitally younger original actors. Mark Hamill looks damn neared the same, anyway...

@Tweeks: You can open settings-Applications-Running Services. That should tell you exactly what processes are running.

@mordalo: The Aria's only been around since June. And I hate to be that guy, but really, just root. It's ultra quick, easy and I'm currently running 2.3 on the Aria. Gingerbread...

@interrogator_chaplain: Unfortunately, and especially in scenarios like this, I've recently noticed a trend in myself to immediately ignore any "facts" presented during a breaking news report. Of course, it was clear that a tragedy had occurred and reporters were undoubtedly scouring the social web to try to find any

@Riff-Raff: I don't think it's a coincidence that the uploader failed to upload a picture of a device that takes pictures...

@Zedster The Myuu: Oops... Sorry for leading you on... You could just try Googling it, though ;)

@ClemyNX: That's why I didn't say "perfect." There are definitely some exceptions that still make searching without boolean a huge pain in the ass. And I know exactly what you're talking about, especially with live search results. It is getting better, though...

@Ravennl: Was going to say the exact... same... thing!

@Java-Princess: That's an awesome story. Sounds like he had one more trick up his sleeve for ya!

@Incoherent: Search engines (and Google in particular) are getting advanced to the point where they're almost not needed anymore.

@samwize11: So he turned into a magician?

@RootRampage: You, are a good (and correct) man, sir.

@psychiccheese: I feel like a jackass. I read "may" as "are" in the second sentence. Consider my first statement retracted... Sorry Annalee... And thanks, psychiccheese, for pointing out my mistake...

@versii: Don't jest... A remake would ruin everyone's conceptions of a masterpiece. Studios today don't know how to remake movies with class or style... or good directors, casting, music or the like...

@Seventhexile Speaks: And Alex from A Clockwork Orange would definitely fall into that category...

I'm really glad that journalists these days understand how to interpret scientific findings... /s

@RenRen: @The5thElephant: Yeah, those are some awesome examples. I would highly suggest checking out The Man Who Thought His Wife was a Hat by Oliver Sacks. There are some seriously crazy, but entirely true, anecdotes in this one.

@The5thElephant: The "miraculous" plasticity of the brain in the situations you describe are generally associated with younger patients of a hemispherectomy. The younger a patient is, the better their brain has the ability to transfer processes normally associated with the opposite hemisphere. Unfortunately, I don't

@Ethereal87: I sincerely wish there were more people like you out there. This idea of not being able to "go five minutes without being connected to the world" is what causes accidents due to text messaging, etc. When convenience outweighs common sense, we begin seeing the origins of Idiocracy...

@Ethereal87: You're definitely not alone. I've had my fair share of bad experiences (my home town wouldn't allow AT&T to build towers for several years), as well as bad service and dropped calls. But the fact is, what person who owns a cell phone hasn't had a bad experience, regardless of what carrier they're on?