
@Top_failure: They added it to the marketplace the day I *finally* sideloaded it on mine...

Oh god, just what I need: another time waster. After *finally* rooting my Android device (and loving it), I get to go play with my old 3g that's basically being used as a stand-alone Pandora streamer in my bathroom.

@racingmaniac: And now I have to clean the energy drink off of my nose, mouth, keyboard and screen... Thanks be to you...

@Cats: Sorry... may have been projecting... : /

@Cats: "...and by sex I mean masturbated in the bathtub of my hotel room."

@blash: While I respect your loyalty in the ways of SW, I'm not sure about its generalizability to the real world ;)

@dcdean1: Some colors have been shown to elicit different emotions: Red=aggression; orange/yellow=compassion, relaxation; blue=depressive (no pun intended), etc.

@Benjamin Henson: It's about integration. Having contacts matched with e-mails, voicemails, texts and other components of communication can make it more convenient to see what your conversation with a certain person has been like. Not to mention, it makes those conversations easily searchable.

Poop jokes are entertaining. Combining poop jokes with Zune jokes? Hilarious...

@lampdeskchair: With you on that one. 69 El Camino SS. Utility in class!

@hjustin93: I would argue that this is the creation of many, tiny, little, pieces of things.

Now playing

It's not as bad as Todd, but Riley reminded me of this...

@Joy_Rebar: Looking more deeply into it, it looks like he traded a

Dear Christopher Nolan,

@cmdtacos: I like how it has like four songs on the whole album, but they're all around 20 minutes long. It's an amazing album for a road trip.

@particlezoo: I had to scroll down a ways, but I'm glad you posted this before me. It was the only legitimate choice for something this bleak...

@ThaKoolAidKid: Yeah, I've thought that before and was just waiting for the day when I could catch that episode of the contestant getting tackled as they were attempting to gargle their newly-won money on the street in front of everyone.

@neMouse: God, I love that man. Not only is he one of a very select few I enjoy on-stage, but you know he has to have massive balls to pick up crazies in downtown New York, scare the shit out of them, and then tell them he has a whole bunch of cash on him...

@Geisterfahrer: That looks oddly like a signal artifact. Notice it has the same neanderthal forehead and same open mouth as GHWB.