
@Dooosh: Damnit, can't believe I missed that one. Good catch!

@Sublethalend: You generalize too widely. "Dolphins are now smarter than your average Jersey Shore or Vin Diesel fan!" would have been more accurate.

@ps61318: You made sifting through the drivel in this post's comments worthwhile. And for that, I thank you.

@Pray4Mojo: I guess I have to agree with you on that. I'm not going to rain on someone's parade just because I know it's bullshit. Then again, if I see a family member start pushing stupid shit like this on other friends or family members, start building shrines of titanium necklaces or participating in voo-doo

@cycle-ops: I can see the spam e-mails now...

@Pray4Mojo: I agree with you on the healthcare issue. I wouldn't want to pay to have the system clogged up either. On the other hand, people with family histories of illnesses of this sort could use intelligent discretion as to whether it could be serious or not. Again, that's putting a lot of faith in the public

@Pray4Mojo: Being able to ignore back pain is awesome, if it works. However, ignoring it rather than going and getting some exercise, fixing your posture, stretching the muscles in the back, eating healthier foods, working with a pain management physician, will only mean that, again, the underlying cause is not being

@Necroscope: I'm not sure I can agree with that at all. I know a large amount of doctors in the specialty of surgery that would disagree. They would not give hydrocodone to someone with a broken leg and call it good. They would not give someone with appendicitis a shot of demerol and send them home. Pain is a

@Arken: I have a feeling this would just create mutant American football players... Or rugby... dear god...

@TheKennedy: I couldn't help but wonder which part of the alternate universe that thing came out of.

@Pray4Mojo: That's just the issue: They're ignoring a potentially serious health problem because they can't feel it. Just because I can't feel the back pain, doesn't mean it's not caused by something potentially very serious or fatal (lung cancer, kidney problems, liver problems, etc.). If you experience a symptom

Now playing

@SKiTz: You could always just pretend you have cancer, right? That always works, right?

@Civ2boss: I guess I just need to sit down and look at it. You guys are making what initially looked like a David Blaine stunt look more like a Cris Angle farce.

@Civ2boss: I guess I meant the "One-click" methods. I don't have the patience, let alone the amount of confidence it takes to do these types of long-step rooting methods.

I love how the Aria is consistently left out of most hacks/advantages. No rooting, no Angry Birds... AT&T needs to reduce the number of corn cobs up their asses...

@e18: I was thinking about this as well. There seems to be a huge amount of subjectivity to this "database" in that each of the aspects of it are made up of self-reported topics coming from the test subjects. So while they remember "this" happening, there's no way to say that "that" neuron was firing at the same

@Se7en_speed: My friend had to shut me up during that scene because I was going nuts... quite embarrassing, but damn was that scene awesome...

@jonnyversusrobots: I remember a huge issue, when I had an iPad, being the lack of a file system. It really does create all sorts of unforeseeable problems. "Oh, I'll just upload this here... wait... damn it... I'll have to wait until I get to a real computer."

@blyan-reloaded: You're right, this could have ended in some obscene Holy Grail sketch...