Oh man. So many options. Right now I'm thinking this:
Oh man. So many options. Right now I'm thinking this:
Can I come stay on your couch? I'm in Virginia so it's only a matter of time before they come wreck my house.
What about Virginia? Please tell me I'm safe in Virginia. Lie if you have to.
If you haven't noticed from all my other posts on this site I have a ridiculous Mallah and the Brain obsession. I'm trying to convince Cyriaque to lobby DC on my behalf to make Mallah: Year One.
I just finished Final Crisis and it confused the shit out of me. Don't get me wrong, I liked it. But I feel like I was in the third year of Latin class without taking the first two years.
I assume number nine was for me? Thank you for that. I needed a dose of Mallah, its been a shitty day.
Why can't they just keep Batman the Brave and the Bold on the air? Its been my favorite animated Batman series out of all of them.
I'm partial to the opening scene where he goes all crazy in the Mafia dinner party. It sets the tone for the entire movie. You know exactly what to expect after that.
I think you and I might be the only two people in the world who liked that movie. I freaking loved it.
Yeah I'm pretty good at ignoring stuff I don't like. It's what gets me through the day.
I'm glad to see at least one other person liked it. Actually I liked it more than Thor too. Then again I'm a bigger DC geek than I am a Marvel geek so that might be part of it.
To be fair (and forgive me if I'm wrong I'm a couple of years out of date and playing catch up) didn't Black Adam murder an entire country?
Has anyone thought to get Frank Miller an MRI? I think he might be having thousands of mini-strokes.
I don't know. I would kind of like to see a shitload of villains all over the place. Isn't there supposed to be a Green Arrow locked in a super villain prison (movie named Supermax) in the pipeline? The thought of shit-tons of D-list bad guys like Calendar Man and Penny Plunderer all over the place makes me really…
I live in Norfolk now but I did a pretty long stint in Roanoke in my early 20s too.
Ok I feel a little bit better.
When you were little did anyone else secretly hope they would somehow become a mutant too?
Military application? If I see it I'm going to shit my pants and run the hell in the other direction. It's creepy. And I bet it has tentacles. I hate it.
No. It's scary and needs to go away.
No shit. I'm trying to figure out why it made me nervous but I just don't know. All I know is on some instinctive level I do not like.