Monsieur Mallah

That makes sense. When I was a little kid before I was old enough to decide for myself, my parents made me go to church. That's how they taught us in Sunday School.

Yeah there are very few things I would want excluded. It just makes more sense to include them. Like you said. Put them out there and let people decide for themselves. As long as it isn't hurting anyone who the fuck cares?

"Nothing happens when you're offended. Deal with it."

Yeah we try as hard as possible to spend our collection development money on something for everyone. I mainly order fiction and DVDs.

Oh man. You are my hero. Good for you.

Yeah or when they're screaming at me about some insane thing and they say their taxes pay my salary.

Ok I just found this link. Here's why people don't like it. I guess questioning the white Christian capitalist system is not kosher.

OK yeah I just noticed that. What the hell. I'm trying really hard to find something offensive about Nickel and Dimed.

Sadly all the way in Virginia. More than a couple of train stops. :(

Some people (not me) really hate Tango Makes Three. According to them we're pushing our leftist homosexual friendly agenda on to their innocent children.

At my library the book that gets the most complaints is the gay penguin book.

Yeah it's much easier to stick your fingers in your ears and ignore things than it is to actually try to solve things.

Mary you're so right. And totally hearted. I'm going to watch your film as soon as I get home from work.

Are Bengals the cats that looks like leopards, are bigger than cats, act like dogs, and are totally freaking awesome?

Full disclosure the only Johns I've read are his Flash Wally West stuff and all of his JSA issues. The JSA stuff is like crack to me.

I've figured out that I'll always need two dogs. My wife works at home so its not really an issue but we found that if there are two dogs they can keep each other company and they help keep other calm when we actually do leave the house.

OK this is awesome.

What I read of All Star Batman I didn't hate. But I didn't seek out more of it. And I fucking love Batman. Does that say anything?

Don't get me wrong. I like uplifting. And after what Kevin Smith did to Batman and his bladder he can go to hell. But it depends on who it is. Flash just seemed too hokey.

Just ignore him. Even talking to him means the terrorists win. You aren't a terrorist are you?