Monsieur Mallah

No fair. I want 50-70% of comics and trades. Then again I'd probably just spend all my money on crappy dollar bin comics anyway.

Oh shit. I didn't realize Gail Simone was writing Firestorm. That's enough reason for me.

I'm on the fence about Flash and Firestorm. Does anyone have anything to convince me either way?

Yeah he was totally set up for failure. But if he had been given some kind of training or education he could have been employed. And paid taxes. Instead he's sitting in prison taking away from the taxpayers.

I knew a few different people that spent time locked up. Most of them had the same problem. Very low reading skills. It bothered me enough that I decided to go to school so that I could become a teacher. My goal was to teach in the prison system.

I'll need the video camera. Hopefully I can make money off the video. Because there's no way in hell I'll be employed.

Oh my god. What the hell is this cartoon? This is my fucking life. Jesus christ I'm dying inside. Whoever wrote it must work next to an elevator used by children.

Oh my God this is the best webcomic ever. I'm enjoying this more then Dr. McNinja and Ax Cop. Thank you Lauren.

"he finds himself in a place much worse than prison. Now he's trapped in the waxy, dystopic world of a little girl's drawing ruled by a maniacal unicorn, and he's desperate to get back home."

My grandmother operated one of these machines in the 1950s. She loved doing it and was incredibly bitter when they took it away from her as it was (in her mind) the only thing she was qualified to do.

I really like The Question. But the only thing I've read is the DC Universe Helltown novel. It's a Question origin story and I loved it. And it was actually written by Denny O'Neil. Do you know if it follows the comic?

"Was he?"

Yeah I miss the hell out of Oracle.

Yeah I imagine the last words ever uttered by mankind will be either, "Hey watch this" or "Whoa! What does that button do?"

I just bought "The Transformations of Jimmy Olsen" trade and while I was reading it this past weekend that popped into my head. I've been waiting to use it ever since. I appreciate the set up more than you know.

The security guard where I work was so bad we had to take his walkie talkie away. Now I'm thinking about him as Booster Gold and I can't stop laughing. Oh fuck it's funny. Just imagine Fat Albert pretending to be Shaft wearing a Booster Gold costume and you're halfway there.

Well to be fair Superman wouldn't treat him like a dick if he wouldn't do such stupid shit all the time.

That and in Booster Gold's future they trust a minimum wage security guard with those gadgets AND access to a time machine. The future must be friggin awesome.

Um no. That NEVER happened. NEVER. Lalala can't hear you.

What about Dum Dum Dugan? Did he get the Infinity Formula?