Monsieur Mallah

Ok so not just me.

Yeah these are the same dumbfucks that originally passed on the X-Men movies because the Power Rangers movie tanked. Hollywood executives could ruin a wetdream.

Amanda Waller is honestly one of my favorite characters in comics. I love the thought of a middle aged pencil pusher who can make Batman shit his pants. When she's written correctly she rules.

We were talking about this the other day. Its the whole "I'm hanging out with a chick who could fucking kill me and I might die tonight" thing. Its hot.

A friend of mine invited me over last night to look at his comic collection. He was pretty proud of his collection.

Or you could always fake it like Chung Ling Soo. Until you fuck up and die at least. If you aren't familiar with his story it's awesome and well worth reading about. I'd love to see a biopic of his life.

Sorry I'm just disillusioned. The "let 'em die!" Teabag debate made me sick. And it got me thinking. They really are the no child left behind of politics. And no matter how much we try to reason with them, no matter how hard we try to explain things they aren't going to get it.

Why is the American Academy of Pediatrics even bothering? It's not like that side is even going to listen. As far as they're concerned evil doctors are running around with syringes full of retard juice infecting innocent children. All so they can have pre-martial sex. Tomorrow.

I think in a world where people fly and there's aliens and shit she could heal in 10 minutes if they really wanted her to.

Do you think some cloest case frat boy somewhere is staring at his fingers crying and wondering?

I agree with you so much it isn't even funny. I think the problem is the meticulous OCD nature of so many comic fans.

According to the internet my wife and I were the only two people to like the new Batgirl. But I think the internet is full of shit. So there.

The way some of us bitch (me included) I was under the impression we owned some of these characters. That's weird, right?

Yeah before working in one I thought libraries were nice quiet places where people did research and read books.

One thing I really like about Xavier's School is if you don't like the way things go you can always start an insurrection like Quintin Quire. I wonder if he got extra marks for leadership skills.

"...the virus made you lose your inhibitions and act out latent fantasies or fears, to a schizophrenic degree. On TNG everyone just got drunk, dopey, forgetful, and horny."

Ok say there's a virus that makes you all crazy with rage ala 28 Days Later. I have a problem. I'm already filled with rage and crazy. Pretty much all the time.

Salvation Run.

As usual you're spot on. Personally I've had the same two pairs of Doc Martens and New Balance for like 10 years and that's fine with me. I don't mind paying a lot for a pair of shoes. As long as they last.