Thanks. Everyone else keeps telling me I need to calm down. But I just feel like we let people get away with shit so much that it becomes acceptable.
Thanks. Everyone else keeps telling me I need to calm down. But I just feel like we let people get away with shit so much that it becomes acceptable.
God I wish. I'm serious when I say he keeps me up at night. He fucking terrifies me. If he wins the presidency I'm getting the hell out of here.
Don't forget Rick Perry. He's scarier than the other two combined. At least Sarah and Michelle are funny and we can laugh at them. Perry actually has a chance of winning.
Wow. That's way to accurate. Are you sure you don't work in advertising for your secret identity?
Pandering to idiots. Yeah that's it in a nutshell. I've often thought of the Teabags as the no child left behind of politics.
I hope, I freaking pray this article runs true. But to be honest I don't hold much hope for the future. The divide in this country scares the shit out of me.
True. Very true. In my experience 99% of people are fucking morons. I'm thinking I should get it tattooed on my palm so I won't forget.
I really hope he's serious about the limited number of crossovers. Also can you please limit the number of mega "nothing will ever be the same the world will be ripped asunder until next time sales slip" event books. Say one every five years?
No shit. My eyes can't help but gravitate to it. Do you think its one of his super powers? And I'm sure there's some creepy fan fiction out there all about it. And if there's a god someone used the phrase "dong of steel" somewhere in it.
That never happened. We do not speak of it. If everyone ignores it and forgets about it we can pretend it never existed.
I remember reading an article about violence on TV. At the time they said The Adventures of Brisco County Jr was the most violent show on television because of the level of aggression on the episode the reviewers watched.
I dunno. Some of the breast-feeding mothers that come into the place where I work are scary. This place encourages it to the point where we have a creepy breast-feeding chair. But they always look like they're waiting to fight someone. Like they just want someone to say something. Never look one of them in the eye.…
Man. You just made me appreciate Mrs. Grundy that much more. Her only complaint is that my graphic novels take up too much room on the bookshelves and I need to put those in long boxes too.
Speaking of Garth Ennis...did you ever read Hitman? It was always fun watching him try not to cuss in that. You could turn it into a drinking game but you might end up dying of alchohol poisoning. I especially like the way he said motherlovin' in place of motherfucking.
I swear to god you and I are long lost siblings. It kind of scares me how much we think alike.
God they do look awesome. Especially Enchantress. That cloak is badass. She's the one I see as the edgy Criss Angel-style magician. And the costume that Zatanna is wearing would work with her.
I've always been interested in Ambush Bug but don't know where to start. Do you have any suggestions? What's a good jumping on point?
I felt that way when I was a kid. I loved every single part of it.
I don't know. I see Zatanna as the cheesecake vaudeville magician. She would be the classy throwback in a world full of Criss Angels. That's actually her appeal to me.
I like the way you think. Of course I'm too stupid to do what you're doing. I'll probably end up buying everything and then bitching because there aren't any giant gorillas. I just need to be patient. But I feel like I'm missing out on what all the cool kids are talking about.