Monsieur Mallah

If they're going with some of the Ultimate Cap stuff I would kind of like to request that he kick Hulk in the nuts. That's about the only thing I can remember liking from the first Ultimates story line.

You are so right. They make me feel fucking ill. Even the word lamprey upsets me. This is what I imagine the animal kingdom would look like if HP Lovecraft had designed it.

Since Loki is the trickster god he'd probably be the asshole that tips people with those annoying novelty fake winning scratch lottery tickets.

Do you know how hard it is to not make a Ricky Gervais mind control joke right now?

But I'm American. Making sweeping generalities is my God-given right.

I own the American Life on Mars. Haven't watched much more than the pilot. Its not bad. I will say the scene with the Twin Towers was pretty powerful. I just haven't gotten around to checking the rest of it out yet.

Aren't the streets of DC always one long parking lot?

I was under the impression it was his prayers that sent the earthquake to the east coast.

At least you felt it. I'm across the tunnel from you and I didn't even notice.

I'm trying to find a way to blame Galactus.

What about this Vader? I wonder what kind of advice he has for me.

I'm thinking of leaving out a couple of cases of beer for my cousins and filming it. I would probably make a fortune.

I'm like 60 miles from where everything happened and I didn't feel a damn thing. I'm the only person in the library who didn't notice. All the patrons were freaking out and I just thought they were talking to themselves.

I'm in Norfolk and for some reason I'm the only person in the library who didn't feel it. Everyone else is freaking out. Are you ok? You're like 30 miles from the epicenter.

From RizzRustbolt's comment I assumed it was an adaptation of Jekyll. But I'm not exactly known for my reading comprehension. So I may be wrong. I tend to go on rants until I see something about giant gorillas and then everything is all better. So ignore about two thirds of what I say. Especially if I start yelling

Your point about the Office is something I've always wondered about. British shows average what, about 8 shows a season? And most of those episodes are awesome.

I didn't even know there was an American version of Faulty Towers. I bet it didn't last an entire season, right?

The accent thing I get. I have to do the same thing with the subtitles. I probably should have phrased that differently.

Of course. And they'll fuck it up. Just like Life on Mars and all the other BBC shows I love.

Have you seen the new costume for Harley Quinn? WTF? She looks like a fucking juggalo.