Have you seen some of the stuff from (I can't believe I'm typing these words) Krypto's Mutt and Meow Gallery from when he was a member of the Space Canine Patrol Agents (SCPA)?
Have you seen some of the stuff from (I can't believe I'm typing these words) Krypto's Mutt and Meow Gallery from when he was a member of the Space Canine Patrol Agents (SCPA)?
I guess that's the only way I'll ever get my Monsieur Mallah and the Brain series.
I'm 6'7"
You and me both. I shouldn't drink so early in the day. Plus I got to talking about Superman and apes with kryptonite eyebeams and kind of lost my head. Its all downhill from there.
Waging a war on weather? Is that how he turned blue and got those shitty lightning powers for a minute? And was that before or after the mullet?
For fucks sake. I love Superman. I really do. But if I have to sit through another origin I'm going to fucking snap.
I actually get what you mean. Like in Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels. Jason Flemying's character? The one who looks like he should be fat but isn't? So they call him Bacon.
I don't think his head is big enough. If they cast Rosie O'Donnel as MODOK they wouldn't even need to use CGI.
I think your problem with Tom Cruise is that you're a Supressive Person. Your inner Thetans are crying out for alignment. A few months of extensive auditing will have you drinking the Kool Aid and you'll forget that he's a midget. I repeat. Tom Cruise is not a midget.
Forget the out of time aspect. When am I going to get to see Batroc on the big screen dammit?
Have you read the first issue of Astro City? The Samaritan (who is pretty much Superman) spends most of the day shooting all over the world fighting different threats and dealing with all kinds of superhero type stuff.
If I was a Hollywood executive (but I'm not since I'm not you know, retarded) I would sign you up to write the next screen play. Just promise me that Lex Luthor won't make it anywhere near the pages of your script. For fuck's sake people. He does have more than one enemy. And I'm not talking about Richard fucking…
Are you sure that isn't Doomstadt? For $70,000 I expect use of at least one deathray and several Doombots to do my bidding.
Oh my God I want to see a real live rat king run down my street so bad it hurts my soul. I might need access to a flamethrower and everything. But it would be so fucking awesome.
Yeah she did. On a side note... Every time I see that a show is having a "very special episode" the first thing that comes to mind if the Different Strokes where Arnold met the evil bike shop owner. I think I need to get out more.
Yeah I know it was bad. I couldn't resist. My wife who has the dirty goth skeleton in her closet used to love that movie. Whenever she bitches about the rain I look over at her and say with that with the most annoying Crow voice I can.
Hey, just remember. "It can't rain all the time."