Where else is a headliner supposed to go?
Can you guys cool it for a couple days on all of the political articles?
I think it was hyperbole.
Meanwhile, it turned out that my M5 had a leaky differential input shaft seal that they fixed. Total out-of-pocket repair cost for me? Just the $50 deductible. Normal repair cost without warranty? A tad bit more at $5,432,333.
Looks like a Lambo, dude!
eventually, he’ll just run out of physics to wreck. Then what?
Bourgeois Merchant Marines Keep Proletariat from Reclaiming the Products of their Labor
The X-Type Estate is one of the most bizarre cars to ever be sold stateside. People weren’t really snatching up Jaguars at the time, and even fewer were buying station wagons. “Compact luxury station wagons” is a pretty unusual niche, in the U.S. at least. I think I’ve only ever seen one of these in real life.
Only 80 more payments left........
Or buy an Android head unit (which is much cheaper than an Android Auto one) and install Android Auto then program the steering wheel controls to do whatever you want them to.
I don’t know man, to each their own, but there’s a wonderful thing about a car that fits like an old glove.