
I recall a similar story on Jalopnik in 1892 when a steam powered car crashed and blew up and painfully scolded dozens, then again in 1912 when a gas powered car blew up in a giant fireball after hitting a mule team and diving off the road. And here we are in 2016 watching a video of super dense batteries exploding. I

That spark only goes up 4 feet, what’s the big deal? I once witnessed a broken power line that fell and welded itself on a car, now that’s scary. It was at night and the sparks lit up the scene like day

But he will definitely quip, “and the only reason this made the news is because it’s an electric car.” Which is true.

I was chatting at dinner with a guy from Porsche (he was in the classes too, I guess some sort of employee benefit/appreciation thing) while at their driving school. He indicated to me that the company wasn’t very thrilled about selling high end cars to unsavory caracters. I got the impression that they would “pass”

C’mon man, that’s not fair. Sox fans can’t write.

Heh, the guy who did my roof a couple of years ago saw my car and struck up a conversation about cars with me. We were in the feeling each other out phase (does this guy...actually know about cars?) when he mentioned that he owned an R63. I was pretty shocked by that. He knew exactly what it was when he bought it and

Damn, that’s a really nice looking 370z.

Absolutely stunning. My friend and I will most certainly be investing very much monies.

Ehhh. Nah.

Perhaps they could subcontract the final assembly to Faraday Future? That is, assuming FF has any excess capacity at their “certain to be finished soon plant” that will be manufacturing tens of thousands of extremely popular “whatever-the-hell-they-plan-on-building” -mobiles.

You take pre-orders?

First off, that’s a great car company name you’ve got there. Second, your understanding of market trends and future thinking has me sold.

Oh yeah, well I’ve got $100 that this car will never exist.

Is everybody at Fisker just drunk 24/7?

at a new station in Buena Vista Colorad

This sounds like Clarkson got tired of being told “you can’t do that because lawsuit” and decided to just go over the top with it to make the BBC look pedantic and envious.

Okay so this is what bugged me a little in the video, on more than one occasion he mentions coasting downhill. This is the exact opposite of what you need to do. Getting good fuel economy is all about minimising your average throttle opening for the duration of the journey. By coasting downhill that then means you