
fuck the people!

I want this to happen so much. I love the tri-star, overhead snoke, shoulder pad ren. So great.

Can the guys behind Kung Fury get involved?

There will always be bad cops.. and a society needs policing... so what do we do?

We hold them to a higher fucking standard...which the police departments, unions and courts refuse to do! Change the policies, get the corrupt out of office.

she is a wench

I have not played NMS yet, but it looks great, and I love how it is growing and changing based on the communities needs.

. My problem with this isn’t a dumb student, people are dumb that isn’t new. The problem is the officers acting on someone else ignorance, it could have been settled by simply asking “are you a student?”

Police have no common sense, are trained to be fearful of everything, are taught that everyone is a liar and that is

Silly joke, it isnt overly offensive in my opinion. But is has NO PLACE IN GOVERNMENT

Kick the guy to the curb.

Such a sad group of women. Their extreme behavior is down right evil. Hate is a terrible thing, I pray for their forgiveness.

Im sure they will be adequately punished by the law.

Reporting what happened is to blame!! of course!!! it all makes sense now.

isnt 3000 calories of salad a shit ton though? you would feel full way before eating that much salad i think.

a quick glance at the numbers, spinach 7 calories a cup. 3000 calories would be just over 425 cups of spinach

Looks freaky, lets hope it has a positive spin about keeping control of our own lives.

fuck fuck fuck!! Kicking these people out is the last thing we should do. It doesnt teach them a lesson that gets passed on. It feeds their anger and it feeds the egos of those that feel wronged.

I do not think the answer to this sort of shit is simple but I do not think that ostracizing them helps anyone.

I look at Brietbart from time to time. The segmentation and name calling will never change. Never a solid conversation.

What is good is that I live in Memphis and didnt know about this. It wasn’t news in my liberal group of friends.

Who isn’t saying merry Christmas? and who is so entitled that they get their panties in a wad it someone doeskin say it?

What is up with Trump tweeting something reasonable? That is the real news here.

It would make a lot of sense to know that he is always drunk.

The police system lacks empathy and this is really solid proof of that.

GOP not wanting to see the truth. I’m not shocked.

I do not want my 7 year old daughter asking me what Fuck means. So I can agree that it is over the top. But it should be a ‘hey, there are kids please change that’

Having a Prosecutor involved makes this an issue that it shouldnt be.  

This is different than someone having a shirt that says Fuck on it because these are