
If I needed to vent about something to a friend, and that person forced me to try and come up with something positive about the situation, I would be incredibly angry. Sometimes people need to get things off their chests. Sometimes things just suck, and that’s ok. Relentless positivity is just as damaging and

lol “good legs and bad legs”

Ever since I started secreting, I’ve become a TV star, I’ve found my soul mate, you saw how flat Gwyneth Paltrow sang at the Oscars!

The story about the guy who fell and needed help getting out of the chair is mean-spirited as fuck. That chef is a dick, and imo it was a dick move to publish that anecdote. I’m shocked that more people aren’t calling this out.

I agree, that story was really mean-spirited. Fuck that “chef/gm” who thinks it’s so hilarious that one of his regular guests needs a chair with no arms. And fuck anyone else who laughed.

It’s a Retreat to Move Forward!

I came here to say this- Sephora has a great policy. Also, they will take something back if you just plain didn’t like it.

Yeah, no job application- especially not a government job application- will ask you to identify your race.

Duh, if you felt pain it’s just because you’re not a warrior earth mama goddess. Some women are warriors and some are just kinda bad mothers. Sorry you’re in the second category. No judgement though!

That website you link advocates for natural birth- it’s not an unbiased source. It should be called cherry picked, “evidence” based birth.

Thank you! When people talk about “unnecessary” c-sections, I want to ask them: which ones? Can you prove to me that an individual c-section was not needed? Of course you can’t; it’s a question of risk, and it is only to be decided by individual women and their providers.

Oh please dear sweet FSM let it be “Kris.”

“Like, a baby saying ‘tiger’ and spelled with a ‘y’.” God bless you, Kara Brown.

But what you’re advocating doesn’t help, and in fact may hurt because it allows people to assuage their consciences, and therefore believe that there is not even a problem.

Then you’re writing for the wrong media group.

I would be willing to bet that all cash tips are pooled, and if someone got caught pocketing money, they’d be fired immediately.

Is it a normal punishment for someone to have to write an apology to their arresting officer? That’s fucking gross. What a bunch of crybaby snowflakes.

It’s hard for me to watch American Idol because there’s a waterbug on my channel changer.

It’s a good story, but most cake recipes don’t have oil.

But you’re only singling out one group, without acknowledging the fact that most of us in most cultures are expected to conform to gender norms. I used to not wear makeup, but one day my boss yelled at me and it became crystal clear that my performance and my appearance were enmeshed in his mind. So now I wear makeup,