
Blood's my least favourite of the three, as it turns out. I much prefer the punchier stuff they started out doing. Top tracks: Meat Balloon, Yeah Buddy (from album 1) and V.E.N.O.M (from album 2)

A rare Pulled Apart By Horses sighting. Shit yeah! Plus all the other good songs, I guess.

Last Saturday was the Brewdog AGM/Shareholder piss-up where I drank a lot of good stuff, some of which I remember. The highlight was a tasting/talk by some guy from Wicked Weed where I got to try their Genesis and Silencio beers. The latter of those is a weird as fuck coffee and vanilla sour and I want to drink more

Four Year Strong - Tonight We Feel Alive (On A Saturday)
Saves The Day - Certain Tragedy
Adventures - Your Sweetness
Rozwell Kid - Baby's First Sideburns
Iron Reagan - Grim Business
Sorority Noise - No Halo
Jawbreaker - Tour Song

Fuck Off Tories.

whatever it takes to get the job done

sandwiches are ok. Today I had porchetta with rocket and wholegrain mustard on ciabatta

Cave In - The End Of Our Rope Is A Noose
The Offspring - Mota
Red City Radio - Never Bring A Cup Of Water To A Gunfight
Brontide - Sans Souci
Minor Threat - Straight Edge
East Of The Wall - Solving The Correspondance Problem
Japandroids - The House That Heaven Built
Power Trip - Executioner's Tax (Swing Of The Axe)

Duffman is thrusting in the direction of the problem (cut to Hank Azaria's pained throat)

Mariner was ace. One of the best of last year for me too, up there with Oathbreaker and Gojira for Coolest Shit.

If Mastodon is too nice: the new Mantar EP is out today and it's good if you like your metal full of sludgy aggro grooves (…

Good thing you did check out then because you won't have liked anything past that point if you're only looking for Metal As Fuck out of them. I'd love to have a chance to see Neurosis/Converge but the stars have never aligned for it to happen but I did get to see Blood Mountain era Mastodon when they supported Tool

I'm not getting much Leviathan out of it but there are definite Blood Mountain and Crack the Skye vibes on there which is the sweet spot for me.

The Mastodon album is very good, actually.

Fuck you and your unco-ordinated (with us) daylight savings time change that means you've all posted and fucked off again by the time I notice the dang thing's up and running.

I've listened to 5 of those bands in the last week. I'm hip. I'm with it.


At The Drive-In - Mannequin Republic
Fugazi - Promises
The Fall of Troy - Dirty Pillow Talk
Minutemen - Maybe Partying Will Help
Ash - Oh Yeah
Torche - Sky Trials
Green Day - No Pride
Blink 182 - Dick Lips
Chumped - December Is The Longest Month
Deftones - Headup
Sonic Youth - 'Cross The Breeze

I'm loading up on reduced price bottles of Brewdog's 5am Saint and Jet Black Heart. It's Friday now, yes? YES?!