
Code Orange - Forever. Never listened to them before. Some people I met at a Converge concert a couple months ago talked about going to a Code Orange concert, but Anthony Fantano’s praise for them pushed me over the edge on listening to them. I really freaking like it. It’s hard as hell, but it also has some other


I mean yeah, the Braves absolutely should change their name. We’re on the same page it looks like.

How the fuck has nobody commented on this yet? Jeff Rosenstock is one of my favorite songwriters ever, and I’m so happy to see him blowing up like he has been post-BTMI.

Randomly stopped here for a trip down memory lane and discovered this Whores album, which rules HARD. Not sure if this will reach you, but kudos for that one, and thanks.

Nice to see Leatherface getting some some love!

I strongly suspect this will be a very quiet comment section because ... well... this feature’s about dead by now.

Hmmm, interesting. I may have to give this a spin after taking a complete pass on their last couple of records, which failed to capture my interest. I also had seen an uninspiring live set where the band seemed barely present - quite a change from the one I saw several years before that.

Yeah, that’s my problem with After Dark also. As much as I might enjoy conversing with some of the people on here, I need an actual topic and not just, “I got a haircut today; here’s a picture,” and 200 in-jokes and Simpsons quotes. Ideally the in-jokes and Simpsons quotes need to be in service to a discussion, and

Fuck it, why not?

Elbow - Buttons And Zips

Type O Negative - Less Than Zero

  • Hot Chip - I Feel Better

“Protecting the shield” isn’t merely a laughably ironic phrase to those with actual power

Sure ... thanks!

Booze Thread

Gojira - Embrace The World

This is my biggest problem with it. The Chrome plugin makes most of Kinja tolerable, but it can’t make comments appear in real time.

Yeah it’s... difficult. Which is great I guess because I have work I should be doing, but now instead of doing it I play minesweeper instead of posting garbage in mostly empty articles.

I’m new to this site since I was on the Kinja/Gizmodo media network of sites, so welcome to the network everyone. I hope you enjoy our commenting syst-nope, couldn’t type it with a straight face.