
I haven't because my back was fine up until yesterday but if it turns into A Whole Thing rather than a minor gripe I'll keep it in mind!

She could do the spoken word bit in TLITD after 7 or so minutes of hanging around on stage for her part to come in.

Ex Hex - Waterfall
Ash - Petrol
Paramore - Grow Up
War On Women - Pro-Life?
Screaming Females - Broken Neck
Axes - Real Talk
Marmozets - Weird and Wonderful
Emma Ruth Rundle - Haunted Houses
Kylesa - Don't Look Back
Rolo Tomassi - Stage Knives
Milk Teeth - Swear Jar
tricot - Shoku-taku

That's bad, if you ask me, which you haven't. I'm on day 2 so there's time yet for it to fix itself.

My back hurts and I think I'm going to get a cold. Fuck that.

Tony Molina - Walk Away
The Dillinger Escape Plan - Lurch
Rolo Tomassi - Katzenklavier
Milk Teeth - Burger Drop
And So I Watch You From Afar - Gang (Starting Never Stopping)
New Found Glory - Understatement
Oceansize - You Can't Keep A Bad Man Down
Black Peaks - Saviour
Lamb of God - Set to Fail

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2 parts bourbon to 1 part Amaretto over ice - I assume it has a name but I don't know what it is.

Sea Monkey See - Leroy Jenkins
Less Than Jake - Johnny Quest Thinks We're Sellouts
Lamb of God - Reclamation
Whores - I Have A Prepared Statement
Queen - Brighton Rock
Red City Radio - Drinking Yourself Into The Future

The Opposite!

Purple is waaay tighter and the new drummer is great. This new Mastodon song would not sound out of place on it.

incredibly rich people get to pay less tax as a result of a repeal - I don't know anything more apt for a Conservative political party.

Poor, poor Isis the band.

It's fine, they've said that they're going to get the best possible deal. The best steaming shitpile deal. The Best. Based on what the PM was saying yesterday it looks like once we leave we're free to get fucked over by every country in the world on new trade deals. SO EXCITED!

Green Day - All The Time
100 Onces - Gary Bucey
Hot Water Music - Position
Black Peaks - Statues of Shame
Rozwell Kid - Stunt Kite
Sum 41 - Nothing On My Back
Jeff Rosenstock - Novelty Sweater

We're all fucked. You've got Trump. We've got Brexit. It's all dumb as shit.

It wasn't but that's because they tried something different with the shoegazey guitars. I'm interested to see where they go next. I think it might be a case where an album of experimenting only comes good on the one after.

I heard Wide Open Space by Mansun in my local Co-op branch last night, which was very welcome.

SERENITY NOW! It's Frank Costanza.

I've got a can of Oskar Blues Ten Fidy waiting at home for me. I hope it's good. Tune in again next week for More Tales of Beers I Haven't Drunk Yet.