
Last week I mentioned that my band had an EP coming out and hey, guess what? It's out now! The launch gig with the other band on the split was great fun and now you can listen to it here: https://birdlawpunx.bandcam…
We sound like all your favourite bands, assuming your favourite bands sound like fuzzy power-pop/punk

You Blew It - Regional Dialect
tUnE-yArDs - Wait For A Minute
Tombs - Edge of Darkness
Alpha Male Tea Party - Happy As Larry, Larry Is Dead
Behemoth - Ben Sahar

My band's new EP (a split with some pals of ours) comes out on Saturday and we're all going to get wasted and play some political punk songs in its honour that night. A song from each band is up on our bandcamp page for streaming now and we're all very proud of it.

Fuck it all and fucking no regrets
Never happy ending on these dark sets

he also said something about having closer ties to our European neighbours to which I say 'wtf is the EU lol?'

Gonna go to Aldi and get some cheap German beers.

LITE - Contra
Protest the Hero - Tapestry
Jeff Rosenstock - I'm Serious, I'm Sorry
Bloc Party - Price of gasoline
River Jumpers - Coffeeshop Revolutionaries
Copy Haho - Wrong Direction
Foo Fighters - Exhausted

If you program them to, sure!


one plus six plus zero plus zero is seven. seven minus five is two. We gotta go to…. ALASKA!

You clearly don't have a migraine to contend with - it's enough to make anyone cranky/a smarmy douche, I tells ya.

This week I have mostly been drinking: cheap as heck Amaretto on the rocks.


Ovens - We Know We Suck
Inter Arma - The Survival Fires
Skating Polly - Alabama Movies
Skeletonwitch - Of Ash And Torment
Ash - Lose Control
Rozwell Kid - Baby's First Sideburns
Arctic Monkeys - When The Sun Goes Down

That's what my mind did when we were asked. They'll be far and away the biggest band we've shared a bill with. I'm pretty excited about it.

and it hasn't even really started yet.

Going to see Buzzcocks tomorrow night because I'm in the support act. I have no idea if the old punks have still got it but it should be a decent crowd either way.

Cave In - Serpents
All Pigs Must Die - Aqim Siege
Weezer - The World Has Turned
Future of the Left - sheena is a t-shirt salesman
Bob Mould - Hold On
Revocation - Fracked

what a difficult way to live a life.

oh dear. oh no.