
haha, yeah, pretty sure we've talked about them on here before. Hell of a band.

Lovely stuff! That combo of mathy/tech verses and massive pop choruses they do is hard to beat.

It's infectious as all hell and seems to get better every time I put it on.


Love that Strawberry Girls album, like a less aggro Fall of Troy. I'd make a list but I'm waiting for the new Baroness album to come out and based on the two songs I've heard from it it's going to blow everything else out of the water.

Cool. Thanks for the input :)

I said it created an atmosphere, pretty sure you could infer from that that is something I like about it. I've been on the internet before so I'm well aware that people often misinterpret opinions as attempted statements of facts and wanted to avoid a tedious back and forth with someone whose mind wasn't about to be

He said 'this isn't music it's sound' and 'what is there to enjoy?' so I chose to respond to that with my own opinion but didn't want to get into a whole argument about it because I'm not trying to convince anyone to feel the same way as me.
I didn't think I was being provocative by doing that.

I know, I never said anything to the contrary. If you're reading that differently then I'm sorry for not making myself more clear.

That's definitely what I meant when I expressed an opinion and accepted someone else's differing opinion rather than try to insist that they were wrong and I was right.

Music can be a lot of things. What this album does is create an atmosphere. That you did not enjoy it does not invalidate the experience of those that do just as my enjoyment of it does not invalidate your experience.

I live in the UK where Nando's is everywhere and Chipotle is nowhere (except London, which is the wrong end of the country for me).

If there was a Chipotle, or any other worthwhile burrito bar, where I live I'd probably go there instead but Nando's is all I've got so Nando's is what I get.

Nando's: it's good.

Government issue, apparently. All about promoting good British values like keeping quiet and doing as you're told.

Agreed - it doesn't make any sense.

Yeah, I've heard about that. It's ludicrous.

Shit, I was minimising completely innocuous, heavy metal related msn chatrooms when my parents came near in 1997. Heavy metal though, that's pretty extreeeeme.

I guess I'm gonna have to listen to all of Reign In Blood now. Cool.

Yes! I saw that FOTL had started that up yesterday but haven't thrown my money at it yet. It'll be good so I probably should get on it sooner than later.