
Seems to extend to what I consider to be 'TEENAGERS' - "Other apparent hints listed include young people changing friendship groups or styles of dress, secretive behaviour, switching computer screens when adults approach, or glorifying violence."

It's perfectly in line with the child protection leaflets warning parents that "young people who question Government or media may be extremists" that came out this week.

Converge - Empty On The Inside
Paramore - Proof
Inter Arma - 'sblood
Rancid - Listed MIA
Chumped - Long Division
Mutoid Man - Reptilian Soul
Forward Russia - Seventeen

I'll have to get on that - I'd literally never heard of them until they popped up in Spotify's auto-generated-based-on-what-I-listen-to Discover Weekly playlist.

Cavity shout out! All I'd heard before now of Floor was last year's album which never really caught on with me, probably because I was comparing it to Torche who I'm much more familiar with. Giving Dove a run out now and I'm sold on them. Lovely stuff.

That Elder album is something else, only stumbled on it last week but it's been on heavy rotation since. Outside of that, the new Vision of Disorder and Black Breath albums are great - old school metal made contemporary which is not something that's easily done.

I went to a whisky tasting hosted by the Scottish Malt Whisky Society and let me tell you this: whisky is good. They had 5 single cask whiskies to sample ranging from the likes of Laphroig and Glenkinchie. I had a very sore head the next day.


Dinosaur Pile-Up - The Way We Came
Red Horse - Death Obsessed
Valiant Thorr - No String Attached
Alpha Male Tea Party - God Is Love but Satan Does That Thing You Like With His Tongue
Mutoid Man - Sacriledge



Pretty Good.

Trapped Under Ice - great song intro or greatest song intro?

What happened to Japandroids? It looks like they just disappeared 2 years ago. Are they ok? Have they called at all?

Can't believe Taylah put Bullet that far ahead of BVB. What a dummy.

This has been on my mind for a while, I know Danny Devito is small but I still think it was an odd casting choice to have him play Arnie's baby.

This week I will mostly be drinking rum and vanilla coke.

Scraps cooking on Monday: I'd been away from home for a week and came back to a lot of almost empty cooking but still managed to cobble together some cider/cider vinegar braised pork shoulder with onions, tomatoes, paprika and chipotle pepper paste served with rice. ALL HAIL RICE.

Courtney Barnett - Aqua Profunda!
Four Year Strong - Who Cares?
Converge - Bare My Teeth
Chumped - Penny
The Dillinger Escape Plan - Nong Eye Gong

The percussive sound of Kendo Stick on people's backs.