
Good One.


is Newman a elite Seinfield character?

Thankya, it's probably not that much in the scheme of things but I'd had a good 5 year stretch up to that point so it feels turbulent!

I've agreed to buy a big-ass house (relative to where I am now) in a nice part of town (relative to where I am now) and once I'm in it I shouldn't have to move again until I'm old. That last part is important as it'll be my third move in two years when it happens and moving is baaaaaad. Also good is that there are…

What's the rep of Bulleit Bourbon in its home country? I saw some going for more expensive than shit Scotch but cheaper than nice Scotch recently and went for it. I like it and I suppose that's all that really counts but I'm still interested to know what kind of tier it's thought to sit on.

Green Day - Westbound Sign
Taint - Poison Pen Attack!
Forward Russia - Seventeen
Mastodon - Octopus Has No Friends
Revocation - Spastic

What is this? A film for ants? It has to be at least…
three times longer than this.

Ben Stiller. Ben Stiller would be another person who's a hero. The films he's created over the years, I don't really watch them, but the fact that he's making them, I respect that.

Three stars.


Same here with their regular IPA, it's my guarantee when I'm grabbing some untested beers.
Speaking of Founders, I'd never seen any of their stuff here in Scotland before but I spotted the All Day IPA at a bar last week and it lives up to its reputation. Goooood beverage.

darn tootin'. I had some classic Stereophonics pop up on the shuffle as well, not long before I took this list.

Q: What did the chick pea say to the doctor?
A: I falafel.

I found a place in town that sells Sierra Nevada Torpedo IPA, that was the highlight of my booze week.

Manic Street Preachers - The Masses Against The Classes
Catatonia - Road Rage
Super Furry Animals - Golden Retriever
Destiny's Child - Bootylicious
Fatboy Slim - Gangster Tripping
Apollo 440 - Stop The Rock

Jeff Rosenstock's solo album from this year is good and so is this. I was worried during the first song because there were no drums but Impossible To Place put me back at ease.

wtf is when you someone eat it lol

Good One.

es muy bueno