
That is the correct opinion.

The David Thorpe from Something Awful said on Twitter "Friends, I am aware of the movie by the guy with my name. It sounds like a good movie and I'm going to see it. I have no further comment". Hope that helps.

Good job! Chris 'n' Keith are pretty neat guys. That said, I was a bit sad when the drummer that played on that album left them. He had chops.

Ha, yeah, Muse fair fell off the rails after that album. I was hoping to get Dance on a Volcano on there as well but it fell 3 seconds short of the 6 minute mark.

I'm all about Cash Cow but that whole album is one of my favourites from that era. (as is the lesser seen Safety, Fun, and Learning (In That Order) that came before it)

I haven't had Guinness for aaaaages but it is pretty good. I could happily drink one right now. MALTY!


Can't believe I forgot about all the Tool songs. That's shocking.

Cool. I can do this.

beer aka the good drink.

Be Your Own Pet - Bunk Trunk Skunk
The Flaming Lips - She Don't Use Jelly
Damageplan - Breathing New Life
Bloc Party - Ares
Amplifier - Airborne
Manic Street Preachers - Removables

He could jump over cars, of course he was going to win.

Let's hear it for Eunice Huthart, the only competitor from either Ashes Gladiator series to have her own Wikipedia page. Rightly so, she was the best one.

Jet from Gladiators to host a millenium barn dance at Yeovil aerodrome. Properly policed. It must not, I repeat not, turn into an all-night rave.

The drums sound exactly as I want the drums on a HoF album to sound so I'm happy. Everything else can hang around in the background doing whatever it's doing.

I knew it was a mistake to get those Jujyfruits.

ICW! It's yersel'!! Grado for NXT!!!

YES! I was sceptical about it when I saw the name as I've had a couple of chilli stouts that haven't been great but this one was spectacular.
The Earl Phantom was good but I don't think I could manage more than one in a session - the earl grey tea flavour is pretty odd but they make it work.

what what what what what what?

you lost your torch?