It's relevant in Cincinnati. Top three question in any conversation. I don't think some will be surprised to hear this!
It's relevant in Cincinnati. Top three question in any conversation. I don't think some will be surprised to hear this!
Ahhhh!! I was just coming here to say this!!
Thank you!! Periwinkle and brown is all I have been seeing, and I'm wondering what is wrong with my eyes??!
I have to dig into that. Thank you! This has been exceedingly helpful!
And I also meant to ask, any recommendations for:
Ooo! And a new Ulta just opened up near me!
So, get this, I watched it IN SCHOOL. I mean, for real, let's show this to a bunch of 4th graders sounded like a good idea?!
How does she not drive herself and bring the baby? Car seat??
I've been lurking and am jumping in out of nowhere here, I know, but this is exactly what I was thinking of when reading the scary stuff references. That movie- STILL, 30 years later- freaks. me. the. fuck. out.
Thanks for the insight! I never even thought of setting with a shadow. Great tip! I am pretty unadventurous when it comes to make up, even though I wear it daily. I love more fun, dramatic looks but never utilize my free time to polish my skills, and my initial attempts, I fear, make me look over the top. If I can't…
If I line the waterline, it never stays. Disappears in seemingly a matter of hours. Is there a trick to getting the liner to stay put?
Tagalongs (forever in my heart as Peanut Butter Patties) FTW! Kelly Faircloth knows her shit. Slowly nibbling away at the chocolate edges of a frozen Tagalong to reveal the delicious disc of peanut butter underneath still makes me immeasurably happy. I know the chocolate is extra waxy. I do not care.
You know, I sort of both love and hate Kanye, but this reads as really real. I see him as vulnerable here, and ultimately like him more for it
Shit. Image fail. Sorry!
I feel like most of her time on this show has been one audition after the other.
This. I admit to reading RS once a season- gimme some spoilers!- but I can hardly handle his whiny, juvenile, pissy prose. It baffles me that such poorly written drivel maintains such readership, but I get it, supply and demand.
Lineup to lineup, Coachella wins buy a mile. I'll take the beach over the desert though any day.
I would buy some of these things
I see what you did there
Perhaps she thought the added 'E' in the second Kell(e)y really set it off...