Grendel Khan

Eh....I think this is only an issue because oversensitive liberal white folk who can’t use those words don’t understand using words like that to make jokes about yourself or just saying the words in general without censoring ourselves because we can. Remember all the clutched pearls over the president saying ‘nigger’?

Step 1: Relaunch X-Men

Is it still going to be Old Man Logan for now, or are they going to wait until after the Blu Ray release of Logan to finally bring back Wolverine*?

I will forgive the AC movie if at some point Michael Fassbender is told he has to go climb a bunch of towers so he knows how to get around the city better. Just him doing an exasperated sigh, and then a five minute montage of climb, eagle, leap into a bale of hay, repeat.

I’m sure he’s always had his own series, we just were not aware of it until this year.

I feel sorry for the elves, but they probably had it coming.

All gingers are contractually obligated to be passed through the ginger-to-black conversion machine.

Replies section filled with people predicting the imminent arrival of racist commenters and no actual racist commenters.

Gwen must be blonde,MJ must be a redhead. They don’t have to be Caucasian, and it doesn’t have to be natural. But it must be the right color.

Booo, down with MJ, Gwen Stacy for life!

i would totally rather see a live action midnighter on one of the shows or in his own. the premise of being able to calculate how combat will go before it even starts is awesome and would look killer on screen. think RDJ’s sherlock holmes.

I loved loved loved that first '92 Ray issue. A kid spending his whole life in the dark, having one real friend, spoke so well to the nerdy 11 year old version of me.

Loved that series - that was where I discovered that I loved Priest’s writing. Until that point I didn’t pay that much attention to who made the books, just the characters.

As a gay, let me tell you, this is not a great idea. Diversity for diversity's sake is dumb. Instead make a cool super hero show, and if you want it to be gay just for sake of your leftist agenda, how about a Midnighter/Apollo show?

That's also why I wish they were doing a Jack Knight Starman series. The legacy aspect, of heroes passing the mantle to their kids and the like was one of the best parts of the DCU, and it's one of the reasons I hated the New 52.

I’m glad for the diversity but liked the ‘92 series about his son, which they can’t do now if Ray isn’t a hero from the past. And I loved how he had his son help Dinah because of his association with the original BC and the crush he developed on her that infuriated Oliver. So much fun.

Hell yes, he counts.
