
Surely, you must concede that the Caffeinated King was funny as hell because he creeped people out:

You have to concede that the “Caffeine King” was funny as hell - mostly because he creeped people out.

ZSJL = not horrible, but a little less than meh. Not a single likable character except for Lois and Martha (WW was all work and no play. Even Barry’s lines fall flat). An improved backstory for Cyborg, but nothing original or innovative about telling it (even if it had been his own movie, there wouldn’t have been an or

Is it urgent/must be dealt with today? Schedule a virtual meeting.

Comic book covers: The origin of clickbait headlines.

This podcast is further confirmation that advanced degrees don’t equate to intelligence.

My first reading of the headline woke me up:

Basically, yes and yes. If they know you’re stopping at $20, slowing the flow reduces the “water hammer” effect when flow cuts off completely, which reduces wear and tear on all parts of the system. Broken parts and even tiny leaks in lines cost money. It’s done more for expense reduction than safety, but both play a

It’s starting to look like Beto O’Rourke is going to run for Governor, so please mention his name in any Cruz story from now on. I don’t know how skilled Beto is as a politician - his jump at the Presidency instead of tackling Cornyn made him seem pretty short-sighted - but the guy knows how to shine the spotlight on

Denture check?

At the moment, the most serious threat to democracy isn’t in D.C., it’s the State level GOP machines, which are filled with fanatics and Trumpists, and are the ones who will largely preload the GOP controlled state governments and who they will back in national elections. The D.C. Trumpists like Graham are struggling

Longjohns with the flap in the back... Oops. Wrong shot...

GoFundMe has raised a little over $10,000 right now.

Or Marjorie Taylor Greene.

It’s hard to describe the interaction of a finger and a finger-puppet as ‘collusion’.

Why would that ease up? Thanks to modern medicine, they can now have an erection AND a huge gun. Deep in their subconscious, it’s like having TWO penises.

I understand that Trump has left Biden a note (though it was delivered via an aide). II am quite content to not know what it contains until Biden leaves office. If, as we all expect, it is juvenile, mostly illiterate and passive-aggressive, I’ll be quite ready for a real laugh by then - not the harsh, selfish laugh

It took eleven people to take down the World Trade Center. It took one guy to blow up Oklahoma City. It took one guy to assassinate JFK. They are right to be cautious about thousands of nut bags who are only now realizing that what they do might actually land them in jail, and might just be placated into muttering

One thing Abrams absolutely proved is that the national politicians are bred and trained by the state political systems - and the more racist and unjust the state systems, the worse they will behave when they work their way into Washington, believing that their background is the norm, nationally. Defeating the idiots

Trump’s demand to not pay Giuliani is apparently making it real difficult to find a lawyer for his impeachment trial.