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Every single Riot article I read puts this back in my brain. At least THAT’s entertaining.

At least a half dozen Republicans went on the Floor that night and flatly accused the President of launching the insurrection. I guess it will be funny watching them try to walk that back.

Rep. Richmond’s last floor speech:

Take down the company names and see how many come back to the GOP coffers before 2022.

Between “We need to get beyond this” and “This s not who we are”, I am getting really sick of Republicans.  Wanting to be forgiven is not the same as repentance.

The real reasons to impeach:

As an elected official, he should be charged with a seditious act against the government. That would prevent him from ever serving office again.

I bet this guy is grumbling about how the damned fool that took his picture caused all of his troubles.

They still have to vote on it and i think get 2/3 support. There were so many idiot R house members that still voted to oppose Biden’s election that it might not pass.

I really doubt the bosses and decision makers responsible for the screwup preparation  were down eating pizza with the troops they called in from their homes at no notice. Blame the right guys.

I remember reading a comment from a military man about companies that market to survivalists who trumpet the term “Military Grade!” as a sign of quality. He said the literal definition of “military grade” in the purchasing documentation is “the least expensive option which meets the base requirements.

Talk about the “front-line-workers”...

Go high, but remember to mop the floor.

I wonder if charges could be brought against him in civil suits by each family who lost someone in the Trump Insurrection of 2020. There are literally millions who would bankroll the cases to prevent Trump from settling out of court, and without them being federal cases, there should be no possibility of pardons.

They should impeach, but it will die in McConnell’s Senate. Trump going nowhere. Republicans believe his concession is sincere - despite the fact that he still claims victory and vows to return. They think if they can get him to stay quiet for two weeks, they’ve survived the crisis.

Now that the Republicans have had 24 hours of safety, they’re about to start talking about everyone else overreacting. At this point, the House should impeach him - the Senate won’t follow through again, but it’s the only punishment Trump is ever going to receive. It’s also the only one that will even sting his ego -

I suppose I should apologize. The point in time I was referencing was several hours into the event but even more hours before reinforcements arrived. Tear gas had been used in and around the building, guards had their guns drawn and were defending the occupants of the House floor as a group of “protestors” were

I’m not complaining about the (lack of) actions by the officers on the ground at the beginning - Although it did very little good having the TVs broadcasting footage of groups of three and four officers standing around in the middle of the mobs as if they were drinking coffee while ignoring what was going on around

I’m seeing more and more Republicans whining on TV that “This is not who we are!” Guys, it is precisely who you have been for the past six years, ever since Trump showed up on the political scene. Don’t buy it when anyone’s claims that their actions don’t demonstrate “who they are.” They either don’t know who they

It makes me sick that the Police are already being praised for their ‘restraint’, when the fact is that they are willingly giving almost all of these terrorists the opportunity to slip away without any repercussions for their actions at all, not even a single ‘Oh, shit, we just almost got scolded!’ moment.