Trump is going through great lengths to keep Democrats from seeing that his daily reports actually are written in crayon.
Yes, every slogan can be warped. But why make it easy for them? “Black Lives Matter” worked so well because it was simple truth, and the efforts to warp its meaning could be deflected with a single simple sentence (“All lives can’t matter until ...”), not paragraphs of tap-dancing explanation of political strategy.
Lincoln pardoned the confederate soldiers and civilians who fought alongside those soldiers - but first they had to swear an oath of allegiance to the government that had defeated them. In other words, they had to publicly admit they were wrong. They never got over that. Black people paid for that amnesty ever since,…
That’s true, but until Republicans stop marching lock-step with McConnell, refusing to let anything they don’t back come to the Senate floor for a vote, it can’t happen. McConnell’s knife is still in the wound.
Once again, I post a message for all Republicans who believe that Trump was cheated:
Here is a beautiful Twitter thread where a Kenyan journalist reports on the American election they way American journalists regularly report on their elections. Should be required reading for all of us.
It’s amazing how many of those leftwing, liberal ideas being pushed around by today’s Democrats were, in fact, moderate Republican ideas before Reaganites decided that anyone not conservative Republican was evil.
It should be pointed out that Rotten Tomatoes barely existed at that time. (It was two years old.) The ratings you quote as evidence are not so much from the experience of watching the newly released film as they are from the cumulative experience of watching the Cable/DVD/TV broadcasts of it, which hammers about…
If they’re actually cutting players for performance reasons, they won’t be able to field a team next week.
They’ve already issued the expected “Not my responsibility! Not my fault!” statement. Surprisingly they didn’t specifically blame the bus company, instead just saying the bad weather blew in and the “busses couldn’t get through”.
In OK, it’s not so much the drivers as the highway design. I have been visiting relatives there for fifty years. The highways aren’t bad (the place is so flat, there are barely curves in the road), but I have never EVER seen an exit that wasn’t a single lane wide. That just doesn’t work once you can call a town a city.
Most Republicans today were raised by Republicans, and have been taught all their life that other than Republicans, there are only Hippies and failures.
Today, the internet is full of pictures of Mitch McConnell’s hands. They’re covered in bruises and bandages. I honestly believe that every time Trump opens his mouth, McConnell is putting his fist through a wall.
Conservatism has become an absolute rejection of all change, which means a religious objection to admitting that you may be wrong and to any and all course correction.
I’m surprised he didn’t autograph it.
When will these idiots figure out that you can’t decide that your comment was sarcastic after the fact.
I watched the NBA - until the Mavs were sent home.
Sometimes, you have to dig through tons of shit to find a nugget of gold.
I agree with Pelosi: What Trump wants is another set of checks to go out with his signature on them, and to ignore every other COVID-related problem the country faces.