
There is a great Article on Rolling Stone by Andrew Leahey about what it was like taking Trump’s Steroid. He says he recognized Trump’s statement that he felt better than he had in twenty years, because that’s how the first dose made him feel. He also recognizes that while he was taking the drug, he felt invulnerable,

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Tom Lehrer has proven prescient on so many different topics. This was written about STDs, but contagion is contagion.

Yeah, after I thought about that, I came to the same conclusion. There is very little hope of getting rid of the Electoral College (too many State’s Rights fanatics), but I think there is a decent chance of convincing people to back a single set of eligibility rules for all national elections. The fact that what

“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”

Trump’s narrative is that he “intentionally” caught a deadly plague, for which he had to be airlifted to the hospital for experimental drugs and steroids, because COVID19 is not a that big a deal.

Spritz a little oil on the fries before air-frying them. I think you’ll find it helps bring back the flavor without adding much new oil at all.

How much do you want to bet that Trump is back at Walter Reed in three days for a “Checkup.

I believe the most appropriate phrase is “I wish her a full and lengthy recovery.

Almost makes you believe in Karma.

First, stop calling them debates. They are joint competitive press conferences, nothing else.

So what are the odds that Trump has carved his initials somewhere on the Resolute Desk?

Dogs can catch the disease but seem to have few symptoms, however, one of the earliest documented cases did die from it. The scarier fact is that cats are apparently VERY vulnerable to COVID infection, but seem to show no symptoms at all and fortunately there are no known cases of transmission to humans - but the

Meanwhile, the NY Times has just published Trump’s tax returns for the past twenty years. He never paid more than 750 dollars in any year, and in most years paid nothing because he claimed he lost money.

I’ve been suggesting that asterisk be put on his tombstone for years now. In fact, I now believe there should be three. One for being elected by a minority of voters, one for being successfully impeached, and one for causing the death of 200,000 Americans through sheer cowardice and trying to avoid ridicule. I pity

If the survey doesn’t come back with extraordinarily high marks, it has no marketing value, which a lot of automakers use to help justify the cost of developing and running the service. Otherwise, they would be entirely at the mercy of third party services like Consumer Reports, over whom they have no influence at

Obama had spent seven half years fighting a Senate who successfully blocked EVERY single piece of legislation he publicly backed, solely out of spite. They swore they would do that the week he took office, and they never broke ranks. There was no way in hell they would have approved any Justice who wasn’t a

If she had retired under Obama, we would have lost a strong liberal justice to be replaced by a more moderate one. Inserting a truly liberal justice would have cost the Democrats not only the Senate, probably a larger chunk of the house, too, and guaranteed that Hillary would have lost the popular vote, as well.

If the GOP Senate rushes to approve an appointment, they’re going to lose the Senate now, and probably not get it back for a decade or two. If they agree to wait and see how the election goes, their odds of keeping the senate might go up - they’ll just have to rebel against Trump to do it. My guess is that they will

If the republicans don’t honor that idea after they way they swore by it last time, vote EVRY LAST ONE OF THE FUCKERS OUT.

So he’s proposing teaching schoolchildren American History as it was taught in the 1970's.