
Rioting... dancing...

In other sad music news, guitarist Sterling Magee passed away on September 6 (complications from COVID). Netflix is currently showing “Satan & Adam”, a 2018 documentary about his life, work, and friendship with harmonica player, Adam Gussow.

In other sad music news, guitarist Sterling Magee passed away on September 6 (complications from COVID). Netflix is currently showing “Satan & Adam”, a 2018 documentary about his life, work, and friendship with harmonica player, Adam Gussow.

I’ve always wondered: You have the right to carry guns in public (with a license), but other than that, what can you do with it in public - outside of when someone is threatening your life? You can’t shoot it. Maybe you could teach a class about it. Figure out how to use it like a fork. But in several states, even

Kentucky GOP Congressman Thomas Massie defended accused Kenosha killer Kyle Rittenhouse, saying he showed ‘incredible restraint’ in shooting 3 people.

Well, I can’t argue about that.

Check out . Might not be the best source for runners, but a darned thorough map of outdoor trails near you.

I live in Texas. I never hear about such idiocy in other states except when it’s coming from their governor or maybe a big city mayor. Here, I see it all the time from every level of state government, ever since George Dubya Shrub was Governor and Molly Ivins was watching our backs. They rarely get fired for it,

Not my work, but it deserves to be spread around.

Details published in a different forum. The sad part is that even though I’m a civilian, I remember every single one of these things happening. It’s astounding that anyone in the military backs him.

Make it legal, but only if both the giver and the child pass a background check. They’ll love that.

Out after curfew, armed to the teeth, a member of a militia group that sent its members downtown to “protect their homes”, among the group that asked to be “deputized” by the police on site, thanked and encouraged by them that very afternoon. Also a lauded participant in an outreach program by those same police to

Whoops, you embarrassed them. Now they will squeeze her in on the last night for 90 seconds and pretend like it was planned that way.

So after you punch him in the face, be sure to say “Thank you for your vote.

How much do you want to bet that her Mother’s “time to be with her family” on leave from the white house will end as soon as the GOP Convention is over?

Police stand back and do nothing because they desperately do not want to be filmed tear-gassing Back-The-Blue fanatics.

Meanwhile, Texas is promising to prevent any city that cuts a police budget from raising property taxes for any and all other purposes.

Dear GOP,

Trump has been dying to get a woman (any woman) involved in the race. He thinks he can use outrageous stereotypes about women to fire up his redneck base. He wanted Warren, because the “Pocahontas” thing always finds traction, silly as it is. Either way, by doing this, he’ll further endanger his dwindling “Urban