Wardrobe by Seaquest DSV.
Wardrobe by Seaquest DSV.
I don’t want silence, I just want spaces that don’t reflect every sound in the room back on itself. Textures, wood, occasional curtains or other cloth surfaces muffle sounds. Restaurant owners want inexpensive, easy to clean, hard surfaces - but I only want to hear each sound once.
“As long as we can still fly with fish in our carry-on, I don’t care.”
The only thing I would dearly love to see is something CoIE just barely made possible, but since it was a success, maybe it will convince the CW to open their purse a bit. What I want is crossover with Supergirl in Black Lightning’s neighborhood. I think opening up Kara’s eyes to a bit of real social injustice would…
Graphing Calculator on MacOS has a far better history.
Cover them with Spongebob and Hello Kitty patterns? They’d explode all over the internet, but I suspect fewer owners would actually leave them on.
Trump already blew off the GAO once, back at the inauguration scandal, I believe.
So 98% of democrats in Congress were “fooled” by Bush? BS. They were literally terrified of saying anything on record that could be called “un-American”.
...or blocks of cement with wheels.
I was invited to attend a “trade conference” which was pretty much an excuse for the industry trade group’s board to enjoy a luxury cruise while attending two or three boring meetings. The trip ended with a brief evening in Monte Carlo on what happened to be the day before the Monaco Historic Grand Prix. I wandered…
(Dallas) $14 for a modestly good burger, small (but very good) fries, and a small milkshake ($5.40 for a small shake? Really?). Walked out still hungry. OK food, but so not worth it.
So I went digging into this “1000 years of darkness” business. I knew it was a biblical reference, but I wanted to know just what it implies. Apparently, it comes from Revelation, referring to what is happening in “the abyss” during Christ’s 1000 year reign in Heaven. Before that begins, Christ will apparently defeat…
Except Trump’s number are already higher than Obama’s.
Netflix invests in Snake Oil. Film at eleven.
“Great” ain’t what it used to be.
Hard to believe that anyone could look at the past term and not comprehend that voting for the lesser evil is a far better option than not voting at all.
Bullshit. They grabbed an excuse the media conveniently provided them. If they feel that strongly about their “circle game” have them resolve the it by letting them sock each other in the jaw on national television.
Hyperloops, which would require new trains, new tracks, and new stations - all using unproven tech, and all underground. Yeah, that’ll be notably cheaper, sure it will.