
I live that every Sunday!

My sincere apologies for misgendering you; I usually try to be more clear about ambiguity when it comes to commenter gender and I should have just referred to you by your username. That said, I am actually a white man, so, looks like we both goofed.

forever have their hands tied by money from both sides and it will remain a standstill indefinitely—unless every. Single. Fucking. Person. Who wants guns gone stands together all at once and protests nationwide to shut this fucking country down to a standstill.

“Fuckboy Voltron” needs to get put on a t-shirt.

They weren’t always so shouty though...

Reminds me of another historic king.

That’s pretty sweet. FFIV will always have a special place in my heart for being the first RPG I ever played. My dad’s friend randomly got it for me for my 10th birthday, and as someone who had really only played platformers up to that point I was totally confused by why characters were standing in a line to fight.

In rebuttal, you Sir are a Poo Poo Head.