
plenty of Sentras for 2018, but Altimas they only have 2019s

the general public who see cars as utilities are the only possible source for selling a Versa to

as summarized here

but... if that’s needed...


you’re not wrong.


aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand that money is GONE!

he’s never going to be able to pay it back, or will declare bankruptcy or something dumb and he’ll start some other business and defraud us all over again

trespassing fine?

how were they trespassing during THIS trip. Sure I can see them getting fined after having been banned, but wasn’t this trip to Walmart what provoked the ban?

how nice it would be for this image to have won COTD and been the lead image of a main article the next day

nothing matters anymore, theres no COTD, why do I even bother

I’ve had the full size poster on my wall since the 90s

thanks for the nightmare fuel


i wasnt looking for anything special. there’s a hertz sales place near me, so I went in to look. they had the base model commuter car I was looking for. but their prices were hardly impressive. rentals are used, HARD. they don’t get to be JUST below KBB.

which is probably why thye dont sell well and sat on their lot

I almost bought a used Hertz rental car last year, but they wouldn’t budge at all on the price. Bet they’d have some wiggle room now. 

why didn’t thye just use their cars to block the street and keep the cops out?

“you can buy a supercar for less than £10,000 $38,999, but for the love of God, don’t!”

there has been some past research that indicates facebook still records and tracks thing you type but then delete before posting.

if even low-life scum like car thieves can wear a corona-virus type mask then anyone can do it

based on some folks reaction to removing the confederate flag, good chance a big chunk of the fans are ready for this story to die and be swept under the rug